Browsing by Author "Santosh, M."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Arc magmatism as a window to plate kinematics and subduction polarity: Example from the eastern Pontides belt, NE Turkey
Eyüboğlu, Yener; Santosh, M.; Bektas, Osman; Ayhan, Seda (2011)The Eastern Pontides orogenic belt in the Black Sea region of Turkey offers a critical window to plate kinematics and subduction polarity during the closure of the Paleotethys. Here we provide a brief synthesis on recent ... -
Cenozoic forearc gabbros from the northern zone of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt, NE Turkey: Implications for slab window magmatism and convergent margin tectonics
Eyuboglu, Yener; Dudas, Francis O.; Santosh, M.; Zhu, Di-Cheng; Yi, Keewook; Chatterjee, Nilanjan; Liu, Ze (Elsevier, 2016)The Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt represents one of the best examples of fossil convergent margins in the eastern Mediterranean region. However, the origin and geodynamic setting of the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic magmatism ... -
Crystal fractionation of adakitic magmas in the crust-mantle transition zone: Petrology, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon chronology of the Seme adakites, eastern Pontides, NE Turkey
Eyuboglu, Yener; Santosh, M.; Chung, Sun-Lin (Elsevier Science Bv, 2011)Plutonic and porphyritic intrusions of adakitic rocks are widely distributed in the southern part of the eastern Pontides orogenic belt in Turkey. Ranging in age from late Paleocene to early Eocene, these intrusions provide ... -
The Eastern Black Sea-type volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits: Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and an overview of the geodynamics of ore genesis
Eyuboglu, Yener; Santosh, M.; Yi, Keewook; Tuysuz, Necati; Korkmaz, Sadettin; Akaryali, Enver; Bektas, Osman (Elsevier, 2014)The Meso-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the eastern Pontides orogenic belt provides a key to evaluate the volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits associated with convergent margin tectonics in a Cordilleran-type ... -
The Eastern Black Sea-type volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits: Geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology and an overview of the geodynamics of ore genesis
Eyüboğlu, Yener (Elsevier, 2013-12-11)The Meso-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the eastern Pontides orogenic belt provides a key to evaluate the volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits associated with convergent margin tectonics in a Cordilleran-type ... -
Late Triassic subduction-related ultramafic-mafic magmatism in the Amasya region (eastern Pontides, N. Turkey): Implications for the ophiolite conundrum in Eastern Mediterranean
Eyuboglu, Yener; Santosh, M.; Bektas, Osman; Chung, Sun-Lin (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011)The eastern Pontides orogenic belt of northeastern Turkey offers critical clues on convergent margin tectonics associated with the late Mesozoic-early Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean region. Here ... -
Migrating magmatism in a continental arc: Geodynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean revisited
Eyuboglu, Yener; Santosh, M.; Dudas, Francis O.; Chung, Sun-Lin; Akaryali, Enver (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011)The eastern Pontide orogenic belt in Turkey offers a critical region to evaluate the geodynamic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean region during the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic. Here we synthesize results from our exhaustive ... -
The nature of transition from adakitic to non-adakitic magmatism in a slab window setting: A synthesis from the eastern Pontides, NE Turkey
Eyuboglu, Y.; Santosh, M.; Dudas, F.O.; Akaryali, E.; Chung, S.L.; Akda?, K.; Bektaş, O. (2013)The eastern Pontides orogenic belt provides a window into continental arc magmatism in the Alpine-Himalayan belt. The late Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of this belt remains controversial. Here we focus on the ... -
Petrochemistry and U-Pb Zircon Ages of Adakitic Intrusions from the Pulur Massif (Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey): Implications for Slab Rollback and Ridge Subduction Associated with Cenozoic Convergent Tectonics in the Eastern Mediterranean
Eyuboglu, Yener; Santosh, M.; Chung, Sun-Lin (Univ Chicago Press, 2011)The well-preserved magmatic arc in the eastern Pontides orogenic belt of northeastern Turkey offers critical clues on convergent margin tectonics associated with the late Mesozoic-early Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the ... -
Petrogenesis and U-Pb zircon chronology of adakitic porphyries within the Kop ultramafic massif (Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt, NE Turkey)
Eyuboglu, Yener; Dudas, Francis O.; Santosh, M.; Yi, Keewook; Kwon, Sanghoon; Akaryali, Enver (Elsevier, 2013)High-silica adakites intrude the Kop ultramafic massif in the eastern Pontide orogenic belt of NE Turkey. These dominantly dacitic to rhyodacitic plagioclase porphyries form clusters of small intrusions. U-Pb dating of ... -
Petrogenesis and U–Pb zircon chronology of adakitic porphyries within the Kop ultramafic massif (Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt, NE Turkey)
Eyüboğlu, Yener; O. Dudas, Francis; Santosh, M.; Yi, Keewook; Kwon, Sanghoon; Akaryalı, Enver (Elsevier, 2012-12-30)High-silica adakites intrude the Kop ultramafic massif in the eastern Pontide orogenic belt of NE Turkey. These dominantly dacitic to rhyodacitic plagioclase porphyries form clusters of small intrusions. U–Pb dating of ... -
Transition from shoshonitic to adakitic magmatism in the eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: Implications for slab window melting
Eyuboglu, Yener; Chung, Sun-Lin; Santosh, M.; Dudas, Francis O.; Akaryali, Enver (Elsevier Science Bv, 2011)The formation of the eastern Pontides orogenic belt has been widely assigned to a northward subduction of the Neotethyan oceanic slab during the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic. Here we provide an alternate model based on new ...