Migrating magmatism in a continental arc: Geodynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean revisited

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EYÜBOGLU YENER,MADHAVA SANTOSH,FRANCIS O DUDAS,CHUNG SUN LIN,AKARYALI ENVER (2011). Migrating magmatism in a continental arc Geodynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean revisited. Journal of Geodynamics, 52(1), 2-15.Özet
The eastern Pontide orogenic belt in Turkey offers a critical region to evaluate the geodynamic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean region during the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic. Here we synthesize results from our exhaustive database on the geochemical characteristics of adakitic magmatism from 137 bodies covering 7 domains in the southern zone of eastern Pontides. Together with new Pb-Sr-Nd results, we show that the adakitic magmatism in the eastern Pontide belt is clearly linked to slab window processes during ridge subduction, as against the earlier models that assumed partial melting of a delaminated or thickened lower continental crust following collision. The isotopic compositions display a complex pattern and suggest mixing of multiple source materials such as depleted mantle, enriched lithospheric mantle, and upper crust. We also confirm a southward polarity of subduction as against the previous models that assumed a northward subduction. We supplement our model with evidence for a northward propagation of the adakitic magmatism, spatial and temporal variations in arc magmatism, presence of south-dipping reverse faults and a synthesis of the available paleomagnetic data. Our studies also suggest that the Black-Sea is a remnant of the Tethyan ocean that was situated to the north of the arc during the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic as against the correlation to a late Mesozoic-Cenozoic back-arc basin related to a northward subduction of the Paleo- or Neo-tethyan oceanic lithosphere in alternate models. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.