Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Institution Author "Kaygusuz, Abdullah"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
40Ar-(39) Ar dating, whole-rock and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of the Middle Eocene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the Bayburt area, Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey): Implications for magma evolution in an extension-related setting
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Yücel,Cem (SPRINGER WIEN, 2022)Discussions continue about whether Middle Eocene magmatism in the Eastern Pontides is associated with collision or subduction. This paper presents new whole-rock geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopic and Ar-40-Ar-39 age data for ... -
Calc-alkaline I-type plutons in the eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: U–Pb zircon ages, geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Şen, Cüneyt; Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Şen, Cüneyt (ElsevierGmbH.Allrightsreserved.ElsevierGmbH.Allrightsreserved., 2010-07-28)Calc-alkaline I-typeplutonsintheeasternPontides,NETurkey: U–Pb zirconages,geochemicalandSr–Ndisotopiccompositions -
Doğu Pontid Güney Zonu’ndaki (Bayburt) Tersiyer yaşlı intruzif kayaçların Petrokimyası, Jeokronolojisi ve İzotop Sistematikleri
Kaygusuz, Abdullah (2019-02-28)[Abstract Not Available] -
Eocene tonalite–granodiorite from the Havza (Samsun) area, northern Turkey: Adakite-like melts of lithospheric mantle and crust generated in a post-collisional settin
Temizel, İrfan; Arslan, Mehmet; Yücel, Cem; Abdioğlu Yazar, Emel; Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Aslan, Zafer (2019-01-14)Eocene intermediate to felsic plutons of different sizes and compositions are widespread in the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt in northern Turkey. Of these, the Taşlık Tepe pluton in the Havza (Samsun) area is fine-to-me ... -
Geochronology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis of the Eocene Bayburt intrusions, Eastern Pontide, NE Turkey: implications for lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources in the high-K calc-alkaline magmatism
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Öztürk, Mürşit (2015-04-28)Eocene I-type plutons are widespread in the Eastern Pontides, Northeastern Turkey. Geochemical and isotopic results on two Eocene intrusive bodies located in the southern zone of the Eastern Pontides were utilized to achieve ... -
Geothermal energy for clean and sustainable development in Turkey
Kaygusuz, Abdullah (2019-05-05)Turkey has a limited amount of fossil fuel reserve, thus is dependent on foreign energy. Approximately 75% of current energy consumption is met by imports. However, Turkey has a high potential of renewables such as biomass, ... -
K-Ar dating, whole-rock and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks around the Gümüşhane area: implications for post-collisional volcanism in the Eastern Pontides, Northeast Turkey
Aslan, Zafer; Arslan, Mehmet; Temizel, İrfan; Kaygusuz, Abdullah (Springer-Verlag Wien, 2013-05-14)Volcanic rocks from the Gümüşhane area in the southern part of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey) consist mainly of andesitic lava flows associated with tuffs, and rare basaltic dykes. The K-Ar whole-rock dating of these ... -
LA-ICP MS zircon dating, whole-rock and Sr–Nd–Pb–O isotope geochemistry of the Camiboğazı pluton, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: Implications for lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources in arc-related I-type magmatism
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Arslan, Mehmet; Sıebel, Wolfgang; Sipahi, Ferkan; İlbeyli, Nurdane; Temizel, İrfan (Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved, 2014-02-15)Late Cretaceous I-type plutons arewidespread in the Eastern Pontides,NE Turkey. The studied Camiboğazı pluton is a composite pluton consisting of diorite, tonalite, monzodiorite, monzonite, quartz monzonite, granite, and ... -
Magmatic evolution of the Calc-alkaline Middle Jurassic igneous rocks in the eastern pontides, NE Turkey: insights from geochemistry, whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb, in situ zircon Lu-Hf isotopes, and U-Pb geochronology
Aydınçakır, Emre; Yücel, Cem; Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Bilici, Özgür; Yi, Keewook; Jeong, Youn-Joong; Güloğlu, Z. Samet (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023)The Eastern Pontides in NE Turkey hosts a very limited number of plutonic rocks from the Jurassic period. Here we submit new geochemical, Sr-Nd-Pb and zircon Lu-Hf isotope data, and zircon U-Pb ages for plutonic rocks in ... -
Mineral chemistry, crystallization conditions and petrography of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the Bahçecik (Torul/Gümüşhane) area, Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey).
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Merdan Tutar, Zenne; Yücel, Cem (2017-12)Mineralogical, petrographical and mineral chemistry properties are presented for the Cenozoic aged Bahcecik volcanics in the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey). The studied volcanic rocks are composed of basaltic andesitic, ... -
Mineralogy, whole-rock and Sr–Nd isotope geochemistry of mafic microgranular enclaves in Cretaceous Dagbasi granitoids, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: Evidence of magma mixing, mingling and chemical equilibration
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Aydınçakır, Emre (0009-2819/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chemer.2008.08.002, 2008-08-04)Rocks of the Late Cretaceous Dagbasi Pluton (88–83 Ma), located in the eastern Pontides, include mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from a few centimetres to metres in size, and from ellipsoidal to ovoid inshape. ... -
Petrochemistry and petrology of I-type granitoids in an arc setting: the composite Torul pluton, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Sıebel, Wolfgang; Şen, Cüneyt; Satir, Muharrem (Springer-Verlag 2007, 2007-04-16)The Upper Cretaceous Torul pluton, located in the Eastern Pontides, is of sub-alkaline affinity and displays features typical of volcanic arc granitoids. It is a composite pluton consisting of granodiorite, biotite hornblende ... -
Petrogenesis of post-collisional Middle Eocene volcanism in the Eastern Pontides (NE, Turkey): Insights from geochemistry, whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, zircon U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar geochronology
Aydincakir, Emre; Ruffet, Gilles; Akaryalı, Enver; Yücel, Cem; Gücer, Mehmet Ali; Kaygusuz, Abdullah (ELSEVIER GMBH, 2022)The debate about whether Eocene magmatism is considered to be post-collisional or subduction-related or not still continues. Here we offer new 40Ar-39Ar ad U-Pb zircon geochronology, mineral chemistry, bulk rock and SrNd-Pb ... -
Petrogenesis of post-collisional Middle Eocene volcanism in the Eastern Pontides (NE, Turkey): Insights from geochemistry, whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, zircon U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar geochronology
Aydınçakır, Emre; Yücel, Cem; Ruffet, Gilles; Gücer, Mehmet Ali; Akaryalı, Enver; Kaygusuz, Abdullah (Elsevier GmbH, 2022)The debate about whether Eocene magmatism is considered to be post-collisional or subduction-related or not still continues. Here we offer new 40Ar-39Ar ad U-Pb zircon geochronology, mineral chemistry, bulk rock and Sr-Nd-Pb ... -
Petrogenesis of the late Cretaceous Turnagöl intrusion in the eastern Pontides: Implications for magma genesis in the arc setting
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Sipahi, Ferkan; İlbeyli, Nurdane; Arslan, Mehmet; Chen, Bın; Aydınçakır, Emre (Production and hosting by Elsevier, 2012-09-28)A series of Cretaceous plutons is present in the eastern Pontides of northeastern Turkey. The Turnagöl intrusion is the least studied and, thus, the least understood plutons in the orogen. This intrusion consists of ... -
Petrographical, geochemical and petrological characteristics of Eocene volcanic rocks in the Mescitli area, Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey)
Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Şahin, Kübra (2016-12)Mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical data are presented for the Eocene aged Mescitli volcanics in the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey). The studied rocks are composed of basaltic andesitic, andesitic, ... -
The Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf isotopes and crystallization conditions of the middle Eocene Dadibi Pluton in the eastern Sakarya Zone, Turkey
Sipahi, Ferkan; Gücer, Mehmet Ali; Dokuz, Abdurrahman; Yi, Keewook; Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Akaryall, Enver; Doruk, Cüneyt; Saydam Eker, Çi dem (Cambridge University Press, 2023)Magmatic activity in the Sakarya Zone, an important segment of the Alpine orogenic belt, continues intermittently from the middle Carboniferous to Miocene. In this study, we provide geochronological and geochemical data ... -
Trace and Rare Earth Elements as Indicators of Provenance and Depositional Environments of Lias Cherts in Gumushane, NE, Turkey
Saydam Eker, Çiğdem; Sipahi, Ferkan; Kaygusuz, Abdullah (Chemie der Erde,, 2012)Trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) of Lias-aged cherts in the Gumushane area were studied in order to understand their origin and depositional environment. Twenty three chert samples from five stratigraphic ... -
U-Pb geochronology, bulk-rock geochemistry and petrology of Late Cretaceous syenitic plutons in the Gölköy (Ordu) area (NE Turkey): Implications for magma generation in a continental arc extension triggered by slab roll-back
Temizel, İrfan; Arslan, Mehmet; Yücel, Cem; Abdioğlu Yazar, Emel; Kaygusuz, Abdullah; Aslan, Zafer (2019-01)Late Cretaceous felsic plutons in the Eastern Pontides orogenic belt of Turkey are found in varying ages, sizes and compositions. The Late Cretaceous syenitic bodies, namely Direkli and Yeniköy Tepe plutons in the Ordu ...