Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 1808
Environmental pollution originated from open dumping of solid waste in the cities of Eastern Black Sea
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2007)[Abstract Not Available] -
Optimum shape design of shell structures
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2007)A finite element-based shape optimization program has been developed for three-dimensional shell structures and the shape optimization of shell structures has been performed. The shape optimization program is implemented ... -
Different modes of stress transfer in a strike-slip fault zone: an example from the North Anatolian Fault System in Turkey
(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2007)The dextral North Anatolian Fault System (NAFS) extends for well over 1000 km from the compressive tectonic domain of eastern Anatolia into the broad and diverse tectonic domain of the western Anatolian, Marmara and Aegean ... -
Sizing of a spherical shell as variable thickness under dynamicloads
(Springer, 2007)In this paper, optimization of a spherical shell under various dynamic loads is investigated. The aim of this optimization problem is to minimize the volume of the shell. Design variables are corner thicknesses of each ... -
The magnetic susceptibility of granitic rocks as a proxy for geochernical composition: Example from the Saruhan granitoids, NE Turkey
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2007)The magnetic susceptibility of rocks is determined by their bulk chemistry and magnetic mineralogy. In this case study of the Saruhan pluton in Turkey, a detailed survey based on 925 field measurements and 37 whole rock ... -
Landslide susceptibility mapping for a landslide-prone area (Findikli, NE of Turkey) by likelihood-frequency ratio and weighted linear combination models
(Springer, 2008)Landslides are very common natural problems in the Black Sea Region of Turkey due to the steep topography, improper use of land cover and adverse climatic conditions for landslides. In the western part of region, many ... -
Mineral content of some lucerne cultivars for livestock
(Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2008)The purpose of this study was to assess the mineral contents of twelve lucerne cultivars on the highlands for livestock. Lucerne cultivars (Bilensoy, alfa-484, Resis, alfa-1312, Savas, Kayseri, alfa-1313, Planet, Seker, ... -
Influence of weathering on the engineering properties of Harsit granitic rocks (NE Turkey)
(Springer Heidelberg, 2008)Weathering and hydrothermal alteration of the granitic rocks in the Eastern Black Sea Region (NE Turkey) are important phenomena affecting the engineering projects in the region. The study investigated the probable paths ... -
Nutrient value of some lucerne cultivars based on chemical composition for livestock
(Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2008)This study was carried out to determine of nutrient contents of twelve lucerne cultivars in the highlands of Turkey. There were significant differences (p < 0.01) among the cultivars for crude protein (CP), neutral-detergent ... -
The Effects of Various Fertilization and Seeding Patterns on Trace Minerals Content of Lucerne and Smooth Bromegrass Mixture in an Intercropping System for Livestock
(Medwell Online, 2008)The effects of various fertilization and seeding patterns on trace mineral contents of lucerne-smooth bromegrass mixture were evaluated for animal feeding. The lucerne and smooth bromegrass mixtures were established with ... -
The use of cation packing index for characterizing the weathering degree of granitic rocks
(Elsevier, 2008)The weathering state and weatherability of rocks are highly important for engineering geology projects and the use of rocks as building stones. The weathering state of rocks can be described by various chemical and ... -
Global warming and renewable energy sources for sustainable development: A case study in Turkey
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2008)Renewable energy sources have been important for humans since the beginning of civilization. For centuries and in many ways, biomass has been used for heating and cooking. Many centuries ago mankind was already utilizing ... -
K/Ar ages and geochemistry of the post-collisional volcanic rocks in the Ilica (Erzurum) area, eastern Turkey
(E Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2009)The Neogene Ilica volcanics in eastern Anatolia are of sub-alkaline affinity and present features of post-collisional volcanism. The lava flows in the Ilica area reveal K/Ar ages ranging from 13.9 +/- 0.5 to 4.4 +/- 0.3 ... -
Estimates of Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters for the Birth Weight of Calves of Holstein Friesian Cattle Reared Organically
(Medwell Online, 2009)The aim of this study, was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for birth weight and to determine the survival rate of calves of Holstein Friesian cattle reared organically. Aborting rate, still born rate and the ... -
Stochastic finite element analysis of structural systems with partially restrained connections subjected to seismic loads
(Techno-Press, 2009)The present paper investigates the stochastic seismic responses of steel Structure systems with Partially Restrained (PR) connections-by using Perturbation based Stochastic Finite Element (PSFEM) method. A stiffness matrix ... -
(Scientific Issues Natl Centre Agrarian Sciences, 2009)The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of average daily gain and age at first calving on the reproductive and milk production traits of Brown Swiss (BS) ad Holstein Friesian (HF) cattle. For this purpose, ... -
Mineralogy and geochemistry of dacitic rocks accompanying the Murgul (Artvin, NE Turkey) massive sulfide deposit
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2009)[Abstract Not Available] -
Alteration of Late Cretaceous dacites in the Murgul Area (Artvin, KD Turkey)
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2009)[Abstract Not Available] -
Frequency optimization of laminated general quadrilateral and trapezoidal thin plates
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009)This paper deals with frequency optimization of symmetrically laminated angle-ply general quadrilateral and trapezoidal thin plates. The objective function is to maximize the fundamental frequency of the quadrilateral and ... -
Thermal buckling load optimization of laminated skew plates
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009)In this study thermal buckling load optimization of laminated skew plates subjected to uniformly distributed temperature load is investigated. All of the laminates considered are assumed to have fully clamped boundary ...