The Effects of Various Fertilization and Seeding Patterns on Trace Minerals Content of Lucerne and Smooth Bromegrass Mixture in an Intercropping System for Livestock

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The effects of various fertilization and seeding patterns on trace mineral contents of lucerne-smooth bromegrass mixture were evaluated for animal feeding. The lucerne and smooth bromegrass mixtures were established with different seeding pattern (mixed, alternative and cross-seeding), N fertilizer rates (0, 60 and 120 kg N ha(-1)) and P fertilizer rates (0, 40, 80 and 120 P2O5 ha(-1)). Different seeding patterns, N and P fertilization affected the trace mineral contents of the lucerne-smooth bromegrass mixture under the intercropping system. Mn, Cu and Zn content of the mixture varied significantly depending on seeding patterns. However, the seeding patterns had no significant effect on the Fe contents of the mixture. N application decreased the content of Fe and increased the content of Cu, but had no effect on the Mn and Zn content; whereas, P application affected the Mn and Cu contents but had no effect on the contents of Fe and Zn.