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6. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi Özet Bildiriler Kitabı
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 27.12.2024)USBK 2024 BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ Yemeğin Göçü: Boşnak Yemeklerinin Göç Sonrasında Türkiye’de Yaygınlaşması-İstanbul Bayrampaşa Örneği………………………………………………………………………… Lise Öğrencilerinin 21. Yüzyıl Becerileri ve Mesleki Karar ... -
Institutional suicide as anomie: decedents speak out for work-related suicides through a Durkheimian exploration of suicide notes in a context without institutional responsibilization for suicide prevention
(Frontiers, 2024)Introduction: Drawing on Durkheim's historical theorization of suicide, we extend his concept of anomic suicide, which is suicide due to a lack of social regulation, to introduce the concept of institutional suicide. We ... -
Taxation as a Policy Instrument For Social and Economic Effects of Gambling
(CDS Press, 2024)The personal and social benefits and harms of gambling, which has been more accessible, diversified, and widespread thanks to global internet use, sometimes find their place in country agendas. Due to its characteristics, ... -
Worldwide cotton production and trade during COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical analysis for a three-year observation
(Academic Press, 2023)The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a significant impact on agriculture. Due to its importance in world trade and human life, the effects of the pandemic on the cotton economy were evaluated by using the data of important ... -
Foreign Aid, Institutions, and Economic Performance in Developing Countries
(ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIV, FAC EDUCATION, 2023)Although official development assistance presents a solution for developing countries to overcome the lack of capital, there is no consensus in the literature on the effectiveness of foreign aid. Moreover, opinions claiming ... -
Long distance relationship with workplace: Remote work and workplace spirituality
(Emerald Publishing, 2023)In this study, workplace spirituality is discussed in the context of remote work and the COVID-19 pandemic. First, the focus is on the changes in the meaning and function of employees in the organization during the ... -
Sentiment analysis of financial Twitter posts on Twitter with the machine learning classifiers
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)This paper presents a sentiment analysis combining the lexicon-based and machine learning (ML)-based approaches in Turkish to investigate the public mood for the prediction of stock market behavior in BIST30, Borsa Istanbul. ... -
Education and reproductive health: evidence from schooling expansion in Turkey
(actions, 2024)We investigate the role of additional years of schooling mandated by a compulsory schooling expansion law in affecting reproductive preferences and safe reproductive health behaviors in Turkey-a middle-to-high-income country ... -
The Relationship between Urbanization, Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Panel Ardl Analysis for Newly Industrialized Countries
(KARE PUBL, 2023)An increase in the world population, technological advancement, and economic concerns bring along an increase in urbanization and energy consumption. Increasing urbanization speed and energy consumption cause environmental ... -
A decIsIon-makIng approach for open InnovatIon model selectIon In the TurkIsh automotIve Industry
(Inderscience Publishers, 2023)The concept of open InnovatIon (OI) has become crucIal In the sustaInable competItIveness of IndustrIes. The selectIon and applIcatIon of approprIate OI models for busInesses also compose an Important research questIon. ... -
How Does Being Trusted Affect Sharing? Findings from the Ultimatum Game
(EGE UNIV, FAC ECONOMICS & ADMIN SCIENCES, 2023)According to economic models, individuals are rational, possess full knowledge, and strive to maximize their utility beyond their actual characteristics. Nevertheless, in the real world, people shape their behavior within ... -
Managers’ dispositions toward formal contracts: A cross-country examination
(Elsevier Inc., 2023)This study integrates institutional and dispositional theories to develop a multilevel model predicting that managers’ endorsement of formal contracts increases with the quality of formal institutions. This effect is ... -
Relationship between Institutional Quality and Corruption: The Case of Turkey
(ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIV, FAC EDUCATION, 2023)The relationship between the level of corruption and the quality of Turkey's institutional structure was investigated in this study. Using quarterly data between 1984-2015, RALS-ADF unit root and RALS-EG cointegration tests ... -
The Effect of Foreign Aid and Governance on Economic Growth
(SOSYOEKONOMI SOC, 2023)Foreign aid is essential in meeting the capital needs of countries that need more resources. However, in the literature, besides the view that foreign aid encourages economic performance, opinions suggest that it has adverse ... -
The Elephant in the Room: New Skills and Work Dimensions of Turkish White Goods Industry Engineers in Industry 4.0 Era
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023)While the emergence of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept has heightened concerns about how digital transformation will affect employees, engineers who create, develop, and spread the I4.0 tools and technologies are ignored. ... -
Identification of the drivers of and barriers to COVID-19 vaccine intake behavior using a mixed-method design: implications from a developing country
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)Various COVID-19 vaccines are available across the world. However, short phases of clinical trials for emergency use and myriad rumors about and misinformation on vaccines spread through different media sources, induce ... -
Analysis of The Causality Relationship Among Digitalisation, Unemployment Rate, and Divorce Rates: A Research on Turkiye
(SOSYOEKONOMI SOC, 2023)This study investigates the relationship between digitalisation, unemployment, and divorce rates in Turkiye by using the Fourier Toda Yamamoto Causality Test from 2007 to 2021. International Digital Economy and Society ... -
Getting the measure of the fourth industrial revolution: advantages and challenges of Industry 4.0 in the Turkish white goods industry
(Emerald Publishing, 2023)Purpose: Industry 4.0 (I40) is an open window of opportunity for Turkey, a developed country, to eliminate technological dependence and produce with maximum productivity. However, I40, which corresponds to the fourth wave ... -
Examining the role of urban-industrial symbiosis in the circular economy: an approach based on N-Force field theory of change and N-ISM-Micmac
(Springer, 2023)The circular economy (CE) refers to a new industrial paradigm that contrasts with the linear supply chain structure based on a "take, make, use, dispose" pathway. Due to its potential contributions to improving the CE, ... -
Institutional Quality and Unemployment in OECD Nations: A Panel Causality Test Using a Fourier Function
(KASERSART UNIV, FAC ECONOMICS, 2023)A significant impact of institutional quality on sustainable growth has been revealed in recent studies. This study aims to examine the relationship between diferent institutions and their unemployment rates, considering ...