Browsing by Category "Makale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarı"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
3D Modelling and Feasibility Assessment of Granite Deposit using 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Borehole, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Survey
(Shahrood Teknoloji Üniversitesi, 2022)This research work aims to critically analyze the efficacy of inexpensive and rapid 2D electrical resistivity tomography (2D ERT) survey for sub-surface geological delineation of granite deposits. The research work involves ... -
Adsorption Behaviour of EDTA Modified Magnetic Fe3O4 Coated Brewed Tea Waste on Cr(VI) Removal
(SPRINGERNATURE, 2022)The study focused on fabricating a novel magnetic Fe3O4 loaded and EDTA modified brewed tea waste (TW-Fe3O4-EDTA) as a cheap, environmentally friendly, and efficient adsorbent for the removal of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous ... -
(JADOUN SCIENCE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2021)This study was conducted to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of individuals concerning menengic coffee and bittim soap. In the study, the data were collected from 152 individuals living in the cities of ... -
Determining the coronavirus awareness of the Turkish society and the anxiety stress levels
(SPRINGER, 2022)The aim of the study is to determine the awareness of the Turkish society in COVID-19, and determine the anxiety stress levels. Research two months after the start of the outbreak in Turkey has reached 2163 individuals ... -
Dynamic Analysis of Money Demand Function in Turkey
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2013-09)In this paper, the dynamic determinants of money demand function and the long-run and short-run relationships between money demand, real product and nominal interest rates are examined in Turkey for the time period 1980-2012. ... -
The Effect of Unemployment and Urbanization on Migration in Turkey: An Evaluation in terms of the Harris-Todaro Model
(SOSYOEKONOMI, 2022)This study tested whether there was a relationship between migration, unemployment, and urbanization based on the Harris-Todaro model in 12 regions of Turkey, which were formed according to NUTS-1 classification, in the ... -
Fizik Öğretmenlerinin Laboratuarlara Yönelik Hizmet-İçi İhtiyaçlarının Belirlenmesi
(Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2005)Fen laboratuarları fen bilimleri eğitiminde önemli bir rol oynamakta olup, öğrencilerin problem durumuyla karşı karşıya bırakıldığı ve problemin çözümüne yönelik bir dizi faaliyetlere katılarak en üst düzeyde kavramsal ... -
Information theory and machine learning based authentication of flaxseed oil using portable and handheld vibrational spectroscopy sensors
(Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Chinese Jo)Flaxseed oil is one of the popular edible oils, and its adulteration has become a concern because of its high commodity value. Therefore, there is a need to detect adulterated flaxseeds with a rapid, non-invasive, and ... -
Innovative polygon trend analyses with star graph for rainfall and temperature data in agricultural regions of Turkey
(Environmental Sciences & Ecology, 2022)Agriculture is affected by climate change, such as extreme increases or decreases rainfall and temperature patterns. It is possible to research that effect by using trend analysis methodologies. This paper investigates ... -
The investigation of mechanical properties of polypropylene fiber-reinforced composites produced with the use of alternative wastes
(GAZI UNIVERSİTESİ, 2021)Various studies on the disposal or storage of the wastes generated due to mining activities have been carried out until today. With the developing technology, the use of alternative products instead of aggregates in Composite ... -
Investigation of natural radionuclide variations and the possible uranium migration by testing with gamma-ray spectrometer: An example from Tug?lu Tepe and Deliler Sites in S?efaatli/Yozgat, Central Anatolia Region, Turkey
(ELSEVIER, 2022)The in-situ gamma-ray spectrometry measurements are performed to define and map natural radionuclide variations and the possible uranium migration on the sandstone in the Central Anatolia Region and Deliler sites in Yozgat, ... -
Investigation of the removal of sulfamethoxazole drug waste from aqueous solutions under the effect of zinc oxide/montmorillonite nanocomposite by photocatalytic ozonation process
(DESALINATION PUBL, 2021)Bu çalışmada, bir antibiyotik farmasötik bileşik olan sülfametoksazolü (SMX) parçalamak için fotokataliz ve ozonlama işlemlerinin sinerjistik etkisi, çinko oksit/montmorillonit (ZnO/MMT) dozu, SMX başlangıç konsantrasyon, ... -
KTÜ Merkez Kampüs Atık Sularının Aktif Çamur Yöntemi İle Arıtımında Bir Grafik Yöntem Uygulaması
(Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, 2004)Atıksuların arıtma tesislerinin boyutlandırma çalışmalarında ve alıcı ortam kirliliğinin incelenmesinde kirlilik karakterlerinin parametrik değer değişimleri önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Alıcı ortam ve atıksuların ... -
Neural Network-Based Serum Flow Rate Control
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)While intelligent systems continue to take more place in our lives, it is critical that biomedical instruments, which are of vital importance, also benefit from this technology. When a serum is inserted into patients in ... -
Producing maximally entangled Bell type states in an efficient way for quantum teleportation
(ELSEVIERRADARWEG 29, 2022)In quantum teleportation, the sender must interact her/his qubit to one of the qubits in a maximally entangled Bell/Bell-type state and as a result, a joint state is obtained. This joint state has to be rearranged in terms ... -
Radio-elemental microzonation (RELMIC): a case study of Karadeniz Technical University Campus and surroundings (Trabzon, Turkey)
(SPRINGER, 2022)In situ radioactivity measurements were performed to describe and map the relationship between the radioactive concentration distribution on the surface and geological formations in the Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) ... -
The Relationship between the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cardiovascular Diseases with Self-Care Ability and Life Quality
(GALENOS PUBL HOUSE, 2022)BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading global causes of morbidity and mortality. Lifestyle changes are critical for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and improving self-care levels during ... -
View more Determination of shear behavior of magneto-rheological elastomers under harmonic loading
(SAGE, 2022)Magneto-rheological (MR) materials can respond reversibly and quickly under the effect of an external magnetic field. MR materials contain micron-sized iron particles. These iron particles are typically dispersed in an ... -
(Mehmet Akif Üniversitesi, 2022)Kaddafi yönetiminin devrilmesinin ardından Libya topraklarına BM ve NATO müdahalesi gerçekleşmiş ve akabinde siyasi olarak çok başlı bir yapı ortaya çıkmıştır. Kaddafi yönetiminin devrilmesinden kısa bir süre önce Doğu ...