Browsing Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Access Type "info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess"
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
40Ar-(39) Ar dating, whole-rock and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of the Middle Eocene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the Bayburt area, Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey): Implications for magma evolution in an extension-related setting
(SPRINGER WIEN, 2022)Discussions continue about whether Middle Eocene magmatism in the Eastern Pontides is associated with collision or subduction. This paper presents new whole-rock geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopic and Ar-40-Ar-39 age data for ... -
40Ar-39Ar age, petrography and geochemistry of the Yoncayolu Metamorphic Rocks (NE Turkey): Subduction-related metamorphism under greenschist facies conditions. N. Jb. Miner. Abh. (J. Min. Geochem.), 191, 3, 257-276(20), DOI: 10.1127/0077-7757/2014/0260.
(N. Jb. Miner. Abh. (J. Min. Geochem.), 2014-06)Abstract: The Yoncayolu Metamorphic Rocks (YMR), exposed in the Sakarya zone (Erzincan, NE Turkey), consists mainly of greenschist rocks which are chlorite schists, muscovite-chlorite schists, metabasic rocks and lesser ... -
Arzular (Gümüşhane, KD TÜRKİYE) Epitermal Altın Cevherleşme Sahasındaki Hidrotermal Alterasyonlar ve Kütle Değişim Hesaplamaları
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2013-07-19)Arzular (Gümüşhane, KD Türkiye) epitermal altın cevherleşmesi, Eosen yaşlı Alibaba Formasyonu içinde KD-GB doğrultulu KB’ya eğimli ve yaklaşık DB doğrultulu K’ye eğimli damarlara fay kontrollü olarak yerleşmiştir. Sahadaki ... -
Atık Barajı Rezervuarı ve Cevher Stok Alanlarında Asit Maden Drenajı (AMD) Oluşumunun Değerlendirilmesi: Gümüşhane Örneği
(ARTVİN ÇORUH ÜNİVERSİTESİ, 2018-06-18)Doğal kaynakların kullanımı ile ilgili işlemlerin başında gelen madencilik faaliyetleri, işletmenin türüne ve büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak farklı boyutlarda gelişen çevresel etkilere ve bozulmalara neden olmaktadır. Bu etkilerin ... -
Determination of rock quality designation (RQD) in metamorphic rocks: a case study (Bayburt-Kırklartepe Dam)
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)The role and importance of rock mass classification systems from past to present in engineering designs are indisputable. Therefore, the correct estimation of the parameters that make up these systems is essential in terms ... -
Doğu Pontid Güney Zonu’ndaki (Bayburt) Tersiyer yaşlı intruzif kayaçların Petrokimyası, Jeokronolojisi ve İzotop Sistematikleri
(2019-02-28)[Abstract Not Available] -
Doğu Pontid Kuzey Zonunda yüzeylenen Paleozoyik yaşlı granitlerin U-Pb zirkon yaşlandırması, Sr-Nd-Pb-O izotop sistematikleri ve jeodinamik evrimi
(2013-11-19)[Abstract Not Available] -
Evaluation of potential rock falls with three-dimensional analysis: Example of Oltanbey and Hasanbey districts (Gumushane city center)
(MADEN TETKIK VE ARAMA GENEL MUDURLUGU-MTA, 2022)The central district campus of Gumushane, located on the Trabzon-Erzurum Highway, has a steep topography, and because of the effect of climatic and morphological structure, frequent rockfall events can cause loss of life ... -
Formation of the Eğrikar (Gümüşhane) Fe–Cu skarn type mineralization in NE Turkey: U–Pb zircon age, lithogeochemistry, mineral chemistry, ?uid inclusion, and O-H-C-S isotopic compositions
(Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2017)[Abstract Not Available] -
The genesis of the slab window-related Arzular low-sulfidation epithermal gold mineralization (eastern Pontides, NE Turkey)
(China Univ Geosciences, Beijing, 2013)The Arzular mineralization is one of the best examples of epithermal gold deposits in the eastern Pontides orogenic belt. The mineralization is hosted by the subduction-related basaltic andesites and is mainly controlled ... -
Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of post-collisional calc-alkaline volcanics in the eastern Pontides (NE Turkey)
(2011)Doğu Pontidlerde Eosen yaşlı Torul volkanitlerinin ana, iz element, K-Ar yaş ve Sr-Nd izotop verileri incelenmiştir. İncelenen volkanitler, bazaltik andezit, andezit, trakiandezit ve az oranda da trakidasit ve bunların ... -
Geochemical, fluid inclusion and isotopic (O, H and S) constraints on the origin of Pb–Zn ± Au vein-type mineralizations in the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt (NE Turkey)
(Elsevier, 2015-11-11)The mineralization area (Altınpınar, Torul–Gümüşhane) is situated in the Southern Zone of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt (EPOB),which is one of the important metallogenic provinces in the Alpine–Himalayan belt and is ... -
Geochronology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis of the Eocene Bayburt intrusions, Eastern Pontide, NE Turkey: implications for lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources in the high-K calc-alkaline magmatism
(2015-04-28)Eocene I-type plutons are widespread in the Eastern Pontides, Northeastern Turkey. Geochemical and isotopic results on two Eocene intrusive bodies located in the southern zone of the Eastern Pontides were utilized to achieve ... -
Investigation of the Quality and Physical-Geochemical Characteristics of the Drinking Water in Gümüşhane (Turkey) City Central
(Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016)[Abstract Not Available] -
Kalınçam (Tonya-Trabzon, KD Türkiye) Yöresi Geç Kretase Yaşlı Volkanitlerin Jeokimyası ve Petrojenezi
(2017)Doğu Karadeniz Bölümü'nde, Kalınçam (Tonya, Trabzon) yöresi volkanitleri Geç Kretase yaşlı olup, tabanda bazalt, andezit ve piroklastitleri, bunları sırasıyla dasit, riyodasit ve piroklastitleri, andezit ve piroklastitleri ... -
Late Cretaceous Arc Igneous Activity: The Eğrikar Monzogranite Example
(International Geology Review, 2018)The geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope properties, as well as the Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma and Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb zircon age, of Eğrikar Monzogranite in the eastern Pontides, are primarily ... -
Magmatic evolution of the Calc-alkaline Middle Jurassic igneous rocks in the eastern pontides, NE Turkey: insights from geochemistry, whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb, in situ zircon Lu-Hf isotopes, and U-Pb geochronology
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023)The Eastern Pontides in NE Turkey hosts a very limited number of plutonic rocks from the Jurassic period. Here we submit new geochemical, Sr-Nd-Pb and zircon Lu-Hf isotope data, and zircon U-Pb ages for plutonic rocks in ... -
Nature of the Tourmaline in Q-Porphyry from Eastern Pontide (NE Turkey): An U-Pb zircon Age, Geochemistry and Isotopic Approach
(Periodico di Mineralogica, 2019-12-07)[Abstract Not Available] -
The nature of transition from adakitic to non-adakitic magmatism in a slab window setting: A synthesis from the eastern Pontides, NE Turkey
(2013)The eastern Pontides orogenic belt provides a window into continental arc magmatism in the Alpine-Himalayan belt. The late Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of this belt remains controversial. Here we focus on the ... -
Petrogenesis of post-collisional Middle Eocene volcanism in the Eastern Pontides (NE, Turkey): Insights from geochemistry, whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, zircon U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar geochronology
(ELSEVIER GMBH, 2022)The debate about whether Eocene magmatism is considered to be post-collisional or subduction-related or not still continues. Here we offer new 40Ar-39Ar ad U-Pb zircon geochronology, mineral chemistry, bulk rock and SrNd-Pb ...