Browsing Ormancılık Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Author "Top, Yener"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Approaches of Micro-Scale Furniture and Timber Producing Businesses towards Their Waste and Environment.
Top, Yener; Adanur, Hakan; Öz, Mehmet (Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry, 2017-12)This study aims to demonstrate the environmental awareness and practices of micro-scale businesses operating in the furniture and timber industry, which are two sub-sectors of the forest products industry. Small and ... -
Comparison of practices related to occupational health and safety in microscale wood product enterprises
Top, Yener; Adanur, Hakan; Öz, Mehmet (Safety Science, 2016)Risk factors in the workplace vary according to the sector and scale of the business. Small and mediumsized enterprises, especially those within the scope of the wood-products manufacturing industry, are considered to be ... -
Gümüşhane İli Orman Ürünleri Sanayi İşletmelerinin Yapısal Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi.
Top, Yener; Adanur, Hakan; Öz, Mehmet; Yaşar, Mehmet (2014)Mikro ölçekli işletmelerin payı, Türkiye’de kurulu toplam işletme sayısı içinde %95’dir. Orman ürünleri sanayi (OÜS) sektöründeki payı %98.6’dır. Bu ölçek grubundaki işletmeler, istihdam, üretim ve bölgeler arası ekonomik ... -
Technology used in furniture and sawmill microsized enterprises in terms of machine attributes
Top, Yener; Adanur, Hakan; Öz, Mehmet (American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 2016)The wood products industry is an industry having a typically low level of technology. The size of an entity is also an important factor in terms of technology level. Generally, the tech level at larger entities is higher, ... -
Type, Quantity, and Re-Use of Residues in the Forest Products Industry in Trabzon, Turkey
Top, Yener; Adanur, Hakan; Oz, Mehmet (North Carolina State Univ Dept Wood & Paper Sci, 2018)It is necessary to know the type and quantity of wastes to select the proper applications and waste management strategies. This study investigates the type, quantity, and utilisation methods of wastes generated by microsized ... -
Use of Personal Protective Equipment in Micro-Scale Wood Working Enterprises
Top, Yener; Adanur, Hakan; Öz, Mehmet (THE INTERNATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS CONGRESS, 2018)About two million employees lose their lives from work-related diseases or accidents every year. Further, 317 million employees suffer from work-related diseases and 337 million work-related accidents per year are estimated. ...