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dc.contributor.authorCoruh, Emine
dc.contributor.authorBi̇lgi̇ç, Abdulbaki
dc.contributor.authorCengiz, Vedat
dc.contributor.authorUrak, Faruk September 2024en_US
dc.identifier.citationScopus EXPORT DATE: 04 March 2025 @ARTICLE{Coruh2024, url = {}, affiliations = {Gümüşhane University, College of Engineering and Natural Science, Department of Civil Engineering, Gumushane, 29000, Turkey; Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Collage of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Management Information Systems, Bilecik, 11230, Turkey; Kocaeli University, College of Political Sciences, Department of Economics, Kocaeli, Turkey; The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), Erzurum Directorate, Palandoken, Erzurum, 25080, Turkey}, correspondence_address = {E. Coruh; Gümüşhane University, College of Engineering and Natural Science, Department of Civil Engineering, Gumushane, 29000, Turkey; email:}, publisher = {Elsevier Ltd}, issn = {09596526}, coden = {JCROE}, language = {English}, abbrev_source_title = {J. Clean. Prod.} }en_US
dc.description.abstractAmid escalating global concerns surrounding climate change, the transportation sector has garnered the attention of stakeholders. Double-hurdle censored models were employed in this study to elucidate the relationship between the probability of private fuel expenditure and expenditure levels and household characteristics to determine the factors contributing to household-based CO2 emissions. Remarkably, nearly two-thirds of the 38 factors examined contributed to the emitters, and almost all emitters were identified as statistically significant. This alarming situation underscores the importance of formulating family based green transformation policies. If successful, these policies can ignite transformative momentum. Consequently, understanding household transportation expenditure from a bottom-up perspective can provide invaluable insights into crafting a comprehensive set of top-line policy recommendations for innovation and marketing strategies in the transport and energy sectors. Measures such as incentivizing the adoption of electric vehicles through economic incentives, expanding public transportation networks, and implementing sustainable housing policies have immense potential to effectively reduce private fuel expenditure. When implemented holistically, these strategies can pave the way for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. © 2024 Elsevier Ltden_US
dc.publisherElsevier Ltden_US
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Cleaner Productionen_US
dc.subjectCensored regression; Double-hurdle; Households; Private fuel spending; Türkiyeen_US
dc.titleUncovering the determinants of bottom-up CO2 emissions among households in Türkiye: Analysis and policy recommendationsen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.departmentFakülteler, Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorCoruh, Emine

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