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dc.contributor.authorTasci, Caner
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Shuxiang
dc.contributor.authorErdogdu, Ferruh
dc.contributor.authorOzturk, Samet 2024en_US
dc.identifier.citationScopus EXPORT DATE: 25 June 2024 @ARTICLE{Tasci2024, url = {}, affiliations = {Department of Food Engineering, Ankara University, Golbasi, Ankara, Turkey; Institute of Food Processing and Safety, College of Food Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya'an, China; Department of Food Engineering, Gümüşhane University, Gümüşhane, Turkey}, correspondence_address = {S. Ozturk; Department of Food Engineering, Gümüşhane University, Gümüşhane, Turkey; email:}, publisher = {Elsevier Ltd}, issn = {14668564}, language = {English}, abbrev_source_title = {Innovative Food Sci. Emerg. Technol.} }en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to assess the impact of various processing parameters including electrode gap, packaging geometry, and particle size on the heating efficiency of radio frequency (RF) processing for peanut thermal decontamination. In addition, interlayer displacements were presented to evaluate the effect of the mixing on heating uniformity. Experimental studies were carried out using 3D-printed polylactic acid (PLA) containers (square, rectangular, and cylindrical) to place the peanut samples with particle sizes ranging from 0.71 to 2.00 mm at 100–140 mm electrode gaps. Temperature changes within the samples were monitored using fiber optic sensors and surface temperature distributions were determined with an infrared camera. Heating uniformity index (λ) was then calculated to assess the effects of RF processing conditions on RF heating uniformity. Results showed that the cylindrical container exhibited a more consistent and uniform heating profile (λ = 0.12) with 1.58 °C min−1 heating rate compared to other containers, and a single interlayer displacement between top and bottom layers further improved temperature distribution uniformity. Smaller particle sizes also led to faster heating rates from 1.71 to 1.55 °C min−1 with more uniform heating due to the reduced porosity within the particles with increased thermal conduction and electromagnetic energy absorption. This study presented valuable insights for developing an effective RF process as an alternative to conventional thermal treatments for decontamination of low-moisture, high-fat particulate foods. Industrial significance: This research presented an innovative approach applying RF heating for a possible decontamination process for peanut samples. The research tackled the growing worldwide consumer demand for food products to satisfy food safety regulations while peanuts were selected to demonstrate the process effect due to the recent food safety issues in peanut butter considering that a pre-process for decontamination would lead to a decrease in the resulting safety issues. © 2023en_US
dc.publisherElsevier Ltden_US
dc.relation.ispartofInnovative Food Science and Emerging Technologiesen_US
dc.subject3D containeren_US
dc.subjectInterlayer displacementen_US
dc.subjectRadio frequency heatingen_US
dc.titleImproving radio frequency heating uniformity in peanuts: Effects of packaging geometry, electrode gap, particle size and interlayer displacement processen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Ulusal - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.departmentFakülteler, Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorOzturk, Samet

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