A Statistical Analysis and Evaluation on the Earthquake Forecasting and Hazard for Lake Van and its adjacent area (Türkiye) [Van Gölü ve Civarı (Türkiye) İçin Deprem Tahmini ve Tehlikesi Üzerine İstatistiksel Bir Analiz ve Değerlendirme]

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Gumushane University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Geophysics, Baglarbasi, Gumushane, 29100, TurkeyÖzet
In this study, current earthquake hazard is tried to present and earthquake forecasting is made for Lake Van and its adjacent area for the next five years. For this purpose, a statistical analysis is achieved with the concomitant use of the b-value, Z-value, relative intensity (RI) and pattern informatics (PI) data. In addition, for the earthquake forecasting in the intermediate term and hazard, a comprehensive discussion is made with the studies analyzing the different seismological and geophysical variables in literature. The relations between these parameters reveal more accurate and reliable approaches. Consequently, at the beginning of 2022, particularly the areas having small b-value and large Z-value with the hotspots (possible earthquake areas) between 2022 and 2027 from the combined forecast map are determined in and around Muradiye, Çaldıran, Özalp, Van city centre and Gevaş including Çaldıran, Yeniköşk, Erciş and Malazgirt faults with Saray and Van Fault zones. © 2022 ARSMB-KVBMG. All rights reserved.