Flaxseed and Cornelian cherry: Development of a functional cookie using response surface methodology

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İlyasoğlu, H., Arslan Burnaz, N., & Arpa Zemzemoğlu, T. E. (2022). Flaxseed and cornelian cherry: Development of a functional cookie using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46(11)Özet
Consumers' demand for healthy foods has been increased. The aim of this study was to develop a functional cookie from wheat flour with flaxseed (FS) and Cornelian cherry (CC). The effects of the levels of FS flour (10-30 g for 100 g composite flour) and CC powder (2-10 g for 100 g composite flour) in the cookie formulation on the cookie properties were investigated by using response surface methodology. The lightness of the cookies was decreased with the addition of the FS and CC. The incorporation of the FS into the formulation enhanced the content of omega-3 fatty acids. Both FS and CC enhanced the total phenolic contents (TPCs) and antioxidant capacity of the cookies. Moreover, they did not have effects on the hardness and overall acceptability. The developed cookie contained FS (23.6 g 100 g(-1)) and CC (10 g 100 g(-1)) that provided alpha-linolenic acid (16.5 g 100 g(-1)), TPC (340.2 mg GAE 100 g(-1)), and antioxidant capacity (996.6 mu mol TEAC 100 g(-1)). Our study indicated that the combination of wheat flour with FS with CC can have the potential to enhance the nutritional and functional values of the cookies. Novelty impact statement The combination of wheat flour with flaxseed and Cornelian cherry in the cookie formulation enhanced the contents of omega-3 fatty acids, total phenolic content, and antioxidant capacity of the cookies. The developed cookie may be an alternative product for consumers who look for healthy bakery products.