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XIX. yüzyıl son çeyreğinin önemli hadiselerinden biri olan 1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus muharebesi, sadece Türk dünyasını değil, aynı zamanda Yakın Doğu, Balkanlar, Avrupa coğrafyası için de ehemmiyeti büyük olan bir savaş olmuştur. Bu çalışmada 1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı'nda Kafkas Cephesi'nde savaşan tarafların askeri kuvvetleri bütün yönleriyle ele alınacaktır. Osmanlı Ordusu, 1869 yılında yapılan yeni düzenlemeye göre; Daimî (muvazzaf), Redif ve Müstahfiz Ordu olmak üzere üç askeri sınıftan teşekkül etmiş bulunuyordu. Orduda hizmet süresi, 20 yaşından başlayıp 40 yaşında nihayet bulmak üzere; 20 yıldı. Osmanlı Devleti'nin kara ordusu 7 ordudan oluşmakta idi. Orduya müşîr (Mareşal) rütbesinde bir görevli kumanda ederdi. Nizamiye kıtaları, Redif ve Müstahfiz sınıfları ordu müşirliklerine bağlı idi. Ordu müşirliklerinin, levazım, sıhhiye şubelerini ihtiva eden Erkânı Harbiye daireleri de mevcuttu. Ordu merkezleri aynı zamanda nizamiye kolordusunun da karargâhı idi. Ordu merkezleri ile bunların nizamiye, redif ve müstahfiz kuvvetleri aşağıda gösterilmektedir. Çalışmamızda ayrıca Osmanlı ordusunun silahları, personel faaliyetleri, sağlık hizmetleri, lojistik (ulaşım ve nakliye) durumu detaylı bir şekilde incelenecektir. Rus orduların genel durumu hakkında da bilgi verilerek savaş öncesi kaybedilmesinde bu hususun son derece etkin bir faktör olduğu dikkatlerden kaçmayacaktır. tarafların askeri kuvvetleri karşılaştırılarak harbin 1877–1878 Ottoman – Russian War, one the most important events of 19th century last quarter, is a significant battle not only for Turkish world but also for Near East, the Balkans and European geography. In this study, it will be totally analyzed the armaments of sides in Caucasian Front in 1877–1877 Ottoman – Russian War. According to regulation in 1869, Ottoman army has consisted of 3 types as regular army (muvazzaf) aged soldiers and Müstahfiz army. Time in service in army is 20 years beginning from 20 years to 40 years. Ottoman army has consisted of seven armies. An officer who is at marshal rank (müşîr) has commanded the army. Regular armies, aged soldiers and Müstahfiz armies have depended on marshals. There was military staff including marshals, quarter-master unit and corpsman. Army centers were headquarters of corps of regular army at the same time. Army centers and their regular armies, aged soldiers and Müstahfiz armies are shown as below. In our study, weapons, personnel activities, health care services and logistics (transport and shipping) of Ottoman army scrutinized. Giving information about general situation of Russian army and comparing prewar military forces of two sides, it will be emphasized that this is an important factor of loss of war. This study is gathered from PhD dissertation named “Caucasian Front in 1877–1878 Ottoman – Russian War” Significant wars have broken out that was a milestone for Turkish history. Especially wars between Ottomans and Russians in 19th century have a great importance. The Russians’ policy of accession to the warm sea ports by dominating the straits and Middle East has continued throughout the century and caused many wars. As 1877–1878 Ottoman – Russian War, one the most important events of 19th century last quarter, fell on 1293 in Julian calendar, it is called as ’93 Battle’ and this war, in terms of both causes and effects, have affected both Caucasians, Anatolia and Ottoman Empire in the sense of military, governing and social structure profoundly. This twofront war (east and west fronts) has proceeded nearly ten months and adverse outcome of war for Ottomans has brought great troubles with it. Treaty of San Stefano (Yeşilköy) and Berlin have led Ottoman Empire to loose land and capitulate on behalf of Russia. All these developments caused Ottoman Empire to have both in political platform and social, cultural and financial problems. According to regulation in 1869, Ottoman army has consisted of 3 types as regular army (muvazzaf) aged soldiers and Müstahfiz army. Time in service in army is 20 years beginning from 20 years to 40 years. Although military service was compulsory for everybody and as this compulsory situation did not involve whole country, draw method continued long time. Students who study at madrasah and disabled persons were exempt from compulsory military service. People who wanted to desert from military service got in madrasah. Ottoman army has consisted of seven armies. An officer who is at marshal rank (müşîr) has commanded the army. Regular armies, aged soldiers and Müstahfiz armies have depended on marshals. There was military staff including marshals, quarter-master unit and corpsman. Army centers were headquarters of corps of regular army at the same time. Army centers and their regular armies, aged soldiers and Müstahfiz armies are shown as below. When a possible war with Russia was inevitable mobilization were speeded up in Ottoman army. Thereupon war minister gave instruction in January 1877 to recruit volunteer soldiers and militia forces (asâkir-i muavene) Also, it was claimed to give information to İstanbul every 15 days about how much manpower was scaled. As there were not personnel depository troops, new soldiers were reinforced instead of loss in war. According to military mobilization position, there were 24 infantry troops and 69 aged soldiers’ battalion consisting of 800 persons, 15 field batteries and 3 fortress companies consisting of 130 persons and castle gunners. The most important problem in army was in health care service. There were scarcely any health care and veterinary service and evacuation activities in Ottoman army. Though one doctor, one surgeon and one chemist were needed for one battalion there was sometimes one doctor for 2 or 3 battalions. Although 4 medical assistants were necessary for one battalion, there were insufficient assistants. In order to overcome this deficiency 100 doctors were imported from Europe. The large part of these doctors were sent to İstanbul hospitals, few to Caucasian front and the rest to Rumelia front. Wounded in action was hardly treated. For evacuation of every wounded 3-4 soldiers were charged. 4-5 soldiers were needed to evacuate injured soldiers in rough terrain. Many soldiers were martyred of blood loss. There were also scarcely any medical equipment like narcosis and anesthesia. Thus, operations were made by conventional techniques. Because of this reason mortality numbers in army were quite high. Like doctors chemists were also of foreign origin. Drug production was also insufficient. Impossibility of medical services, deficiency of drugs and medical necessities were felt completely and because of those deficiencies many soldiers were martyred. Russian army was subjected to new regulations in 1974 during tsar II. Aleksandr. Military service was compulsory for everybody and draw system was applied. Russian government introduced a law in 1874 about recruiting. According to this law, 20 years old persons cast lots and if they are lucky they would be exempted and others would be enrolled to voluntary troops named opolçeni/militiae. Military service time for volunteers changed from 3 months to 2 years. Time of military service for enrolled persons was 15 years and 6 years of this was military education. Rest 9 years was as reserve. This reform is an important step to improve military education and retrench expenses when it is thought that military service time was 32 years at thr time of I. Nikolay. As a result of military technology, methods, tactics and education Russia was one the most powerful armies of Europe on the eve of 1877–1878 War.