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Okula bağlanma, öğrencinin okuluyla özdeşleşmesi, okuluna ait olduğu duygusunu geliştirmesi, okuluyla gurur duyması, kendisini okulda güvende hissetmesi, okulda öğretmen ve arkadaşları ile olumlu iletişim ve ilişkiler kazanması vb. anlamda kullanılan bir kavramdır. Günümüzde öğrencinin okul ve öğretmenle hatta arkadaşla bir bağ kurmasının, başarısında önemli bir role sahip olduğu düşüncesiyle okula bağlanma çalışılmaya değer bir konu olarak görülmektedir. Bu çerçevede çalışmanın karşılaştırılarak bazı değişkenler açısından okula bağlanma düzeylerini incelemektir. Tarama modeline uygun olarak gerçekleştirilen bu çalışma, Gümüşhane'de Fevzi Paşa Ortaokulu (N=124), Dumlupınar Ortaokulu (N=122) ve On beş Temmuz Şehitler Anadolu İmam Hatip Ortaokulu (N=124)'nda, 2016-2017 öğretim yılı bahar döneminde öğrenim gören öğrencilerden seçilen 370 öğrenci üzerinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak "Çocuk ve Ergenler İçin Okula Bağlanma Ölçeği (OBÖ-ÇE)" kullanılmıştır. Verilerin istatistiksel analizi, Tek Yönlü Varyans (Anova) Analizi ve T-Testi testleri ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmada okula bağlanma ölçeğine ilişkin güvenilirlik (Cronbach Alpha) değeri 0.883 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu hesaplamalar neticesinde örneklemin okula bağlanma düzeylerinin en düşük puanı 13, en yüksek puanı 65'dir. Çalışmada öğrencilerin okula bağlanma düzeyleri ile okul, cinsiyet, sınıf ve yaş gibi değişkenler arasında farklılaşma olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Araştırmada okula bağlanma düzeyi ile yaş ve sınıf değişkenleri arasında istatiksel açıdan anlamlı bir farklılaşma tespit edilmiş, okul türü ve cinsiyet değişkenleri arasında ise anlamlı farklılaşma tespit edilememiştir Attachment to the school is a concept that means identification of the student with the school, development of a sense of belonging to the school, proud of the school, feeling safe in school, acquiring positive communications and relationships with teachers and friends at the school. Nowadays, attachment to school seems to be a worthwhile subject considering that it has an important role in the success of the student establishing a connection with school, teachers and even with friends. The main purpose of studying in this framework is to compare general and religious vocational (İmam Hatip) secondary schools and to examine the level of attachment to the schools in terms of some variables. This study, which was conducted in accordance with descriptive survey model, was conducted on 370 students selected from Fevzipaşa Secondary School (N:124) , Dumlupınar Secondary School (N:122) On Beş Temmuz Şehitler Anatolian İmam Hatip Secondary School(N:124) in the spring semester of 2016-2017 “Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents (OBÖ-ÇE)” was used as the data collection tool in the research. Statistical analysis of data was performed by one-way analysis of variance (Anova) and T Tests. The reliability value of the study (Cronbach Alpha) attachment scale was found 0.883. As a result of the calculations, the lowest score of the sample of the attachment level is 13, and the highest score is 65. It has been examined whether there is any difference between variables such as class and age in the study. A statistically significant difference was found between the level attachment to the study and age and class variables in the study, and no significant difference was found between school type and gender variables It is seen that the concept of attachment has attracted a great deal of attention in studies that have recently examined the developmental steps of the humans. Bowlby, one of the theorists who developed this conception, has defined the attachment as a strong emotional connection that people develop towards the people they consider important to them. While studies focusing on developmental period related to children are focusing on behavioral aspect of attachment, the studies focusing on adolescence and adulthood period are focused on emotional-cognitive aspect of attachment. It is possible to say that adolescence is a transitional period in terms of attachment. Attachment plays an essential role in adolescence period when the adolescent copes with new situations. Attachment to family and friends during adolescence period are the two important issues. (Morsünbül ve Çok, 2011). Besides the attachment to parents and friends during adolescence period, the attachment to school can also be added as a third important issue. Because school is the place where children spend most of their time in adolescence period.Attachment to school is generally defined as the emotional bond developed towards the school (Hill and Werner, 2006). Again, attachment to the school is a belief that the learner is considered and valued by others as a part of the school (Samdal, Wold and Bronis, 1999; Roeser, Midgley and Urdan, 1996); it is defined as a basic psychological need in terms of sense of belonging to the group. (Osterman, 2000). Surveys conducted in this direction, even though there has not been encountered to the studies towards religious education in private and attachment relationship, the studies which are expressing that the choosing the school, attachment to teacher and choosing a good friend will contribute to the students on the scientific way and which are making the emphasize to the attachment to school are seen in existence in the Islamic education tradition. For example, according to Imam Burhaneddin Ez-Zernûci, the expressions that are emphasizing that a student should not rush in the selection of a teacher are used: "Think two months about choosing a teacher, consult in counseling so that you do not feel the need to leave that teacher and you persist in his lecture ring. Thus, the knowledge you learn will be fertile, and you will benefit greatly from the information you obtain "(Zernuci, 1993). Leaving a student's choice of teacher to himself / herself predicates the attachment to a teacher. Also, the school where the chosen teacher works is at the important point for the student. In this respect, students want to continue their education in a school with a positive climate that will improve their sense of love and attachment to be a successful student. This, attendantly, indicates that religious education has important aspects that provides the attaching to the school. In conclusion, it is concluded that the concept of attachment to the school, which is an important factor in the prediction of variables related to general well-being of children and adolescents, is being studied in a limited number of studies in our country despite the fact that it is addressed in a number of researches abroad but not particularly in terms of religious education and reading attachment. The adaptation of the School Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents (OBÖ-ÇE) to Turkish was carried out by Savi (2011) in order to assist in this realise. Despite the fact that so far students in general middle school have been investigated for their level of attachment to the school so far, no research has been found to examine the attachment levels of students in the imam hatip' middle schools. In this respect, it is thought that in comparison with general middle schools, imam-hatip middle schools can contribute to the literature of religious education by examining whether the tradition of Islamic education is also emphasized. Purpose of Research The main purpose of this study is to show whether the attachment levels of the general and imam-hatip middle school students significantly differed in terms of school types, gender, class and age variables. Method Research Design This research has been developed in accordance with the relational screening model to determine the level of attachment of students to tertiary education in Gümüşhane by the Provincial Directorate of National Education. Data Collection Tool As a means of data collection in the survey, a questionnaire was used in which “Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents (OBÖ- ÇE)” and questions about the personal characteristics of participants were included. Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents (OBO-CEE): Hill (2006); This scale, originally named "School Attachment Scale" (SAS), consists of three sub-dimensions related to teaching, friends and attachment to the school. Study Group (Sampling) The research was carried out in Gümüşhane Provincial Directorate of National Education, Fevzi Paşa Middle School (N = 124), Dumlupınar Middle School (N = 122) and 191 female and 179 male students studying in the spring semester of the On beş Temmuz Şehitler Anatolian Imam Hatip Middle School (N=124), 2016–2017 academic year (% 48.4) and 370 students. Dıscussıon And Comment H1. The level of attachment to the school is significantly differentiates according to the school types. The hypothesis has not been fully validated. Because according to these schools, there was only found statistical difference in terms of one-way ANOVA analysis with the lower dimension of attachment to teacher. (P <.05). It has been detected that the lower dimension points of the O. T. Ş. A. İ. H. Middle School to the attachment to teacher are higher than the other schools. No research has been done on this issue in the body of literature. However, as mentioned above, it is emphasized that the attachment to teacher in Islamic education is very important. It can be mentioned about the existence of a thought that this attachment is not only in education and teaching, but also in the direction of continuing after school life. H2. The level of attachment to the school is significantly differentiates according to gender. The hypothesis is not confirmed. There was not found statistically significant difference in terms of the analysis of T-test at general amount between the groups (p <.05). But in terms of gender, there was found statistically significant difference at the average point in the lower dimension of attachment to school of the O. T. Ş. A. İ. H. Middle School. At the same time, there was found a statistically difference in the D. Middle school at the average points of lower dimension of attachment to teacher. It was found that girls in each middle school had higher scores than boys. In some studies it is stated that the attachment to school of girls is higher than that of boys (Zieman and Benson, 1981, Cernkovich and Giordano, 1992, Goodenow and 1992, Goodenow and Grady, 1993, Hagborg, 1994, Cheung and Hui, 2003, Cheung, 2004, Hill and Werner, 2006, Arastaman, 2006, Adelabu, 2007, Nichols, 2008, Savi, 2011, Alaca, 2011, Mengi, 2011; Sarı, 2012; Bellici, 2015). As a result of this, Uwah et al. (2008) state that girls are more concerned with their schools and therefore have higher attachment to the school. According to (Bellici, 2015), Peterson, who interprets girls as different from men in terms of differences in their attachment to the arrow, "Since girls have reached adolescence earlier than men, they are undergoing different socialization processes and therefore are more adaptable and adherent to the school than boys". For this reason, it is thought that the need for girls to achieve at school is higher than that of male students (Bellici, 2015). In some studies, it has been reached to the results that men have higher levels of attaching to school than girls. (McNeely, Nonnemaker and Blum 2002, Karaasar and Kapci, 2016). In some studies, it has been detected that there are no differences regarding to gender (Roeser et al., (1996); Anderman and Anderman (1999); Somers and Gizzi (2001); Hill and Werner (2006); Altuntaş and Sezer, 2017). H3. The level of attachment to the school is significantly differentiates according to classes. Hypothesis was confirmed in O. T. Ş. A. İ. H. Middle School and D. Middle School. Not confirmed in F. middle school. There was found a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of intergroup attachment to the score average point, ANOVA test (p <.05). The results obtained were different from other studies. It has understood that the both O.T. Ş. A. İ. H. Middle School and D. Middle School students toing and froing of the students on average points as a class. It has been observed that the 5th and 7th classes grades have higher scores than 6th and 8th grades. It is possible to say that this situation can be explained by the student profile in Gümüşhane and the education given in the schools. In the studies conducted by Savi (2011) and Bellici (2015), it has seen that as the class level increases, the scores of student’s attachment to the schools decrease. Marks (2000) reported that the level of attachment of students to the school showed a decline from primary school to high school. This result submits difference from other studies in the body of literature. For example, in the review of Goodenow's (1992) examination on elementary secondary stage students, there was not found any significant difference in Sense of Belonging to School Scale in terms of class level. Likewise, Hagborg (1994), from elementary school to secondary school students in 5-12. class indicated that there was not a significant difference in the students' attachment feelings to school by grade level, although lower rates were expected in high school level attachment points. In a study that examines attachment states in different dimensions in our country, it is seen that among the eighth grade students of the sixth grade students, the students who are weak in the ration card of students who receive gratitude or appreciation, the students who are satisfied with more teachers, the students with less number of teachers who are satisfied with less teachers, (Altuntaş and Sezer, 2017). In addition, according to the class variable, it was determined that the students who are in the İHL’s 12th grade have higher levels of school belonging and religious attitudes than the students who are in 10th and 11th grade. According to this, it is understood that the level of school belonging and religious attitudes of the students has increased in the process of education in İHL (Aşlamacı ve Eker, 2016). In this case, it can be said that there is a opposite point scoring between the attachment to the school and the sense of belonging to the school. H4. The level of attachment to the school is significantly differentiates according to ages. Hypothesis was confirmed in O. T. Ş. A. İ. Middle School and D. Middle School. Not confirmed in F. Middle School. There was found a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of intergroup attachment to the score average point, ANOVA test (p <.05). As a result of this, both in the middle schools, it can come to a conclusion that the students in the 10-11 age group have higher levels of attachment to the school than the 12-13-14 age groups. In the study that Simons-Morton, Crump, Haynie & Saylor (1999) were conducted similarly found significant differences in terms of age at the level of attachment to the school. Also, in our country, similar findings were obtained in the studies carried out by Savi (2011) and Bellici (2015) . In the study that Hill (2006) was conducted there was no significant differentiation in the attachment to school points in terms of age. Conclusions and Recommendations As a result, in terms of formal religious education, in the study that the level of attachment to school is conducted, when it was not found any significant differentiation in the general amount at the attachment to school according to schools, it is detected that there was no difference in the significant level from in terms of the gender similar to this result. However, in terms of schools, it has been determined that the Imam Hatip Middle School has a differentiation in the attachment to teacher and also, in terms of gender, it has a differentiation in the attachment to school at its lower dimension. In addition, there is a significant difference in the lower dimensions of attachment to teacher in terms of gender of D. Middle School. In other studies conducted, even though we obtained the information of decreasing in the average points of attachment to school when the class and age are progressed, in the study conducted it was observed that there were changes according to the classes and ages. It is possible to say that the reason of this is due to regional education. It is not easy to develop a national understanding by conducting a regional study from these results. But it is not possible to say that the developments both in today's general education and religious education are satisfactory. However, together with all variables and whereas the lower dimensions of the level of attachment to school it is possible to say that statistically the school with higher scores is Imam Hatip Middle School. Even though it’s not in the strict sense, this may mean that it continues its attachment in the traditional Islamic education understanding. In contrast to this situation, the ups and downs at classes and ages differently from the other studies shows that there are some problems. Despite the fact that the imam-hatip schools should have much more tendency from the general middle schools in terms of the attachment to school, as a matter of fact even though the love and attachment known, are in the significant points in the Traditional Islamic Education understanding and in the basis of the religion, in the study conducted, because there is not any differentiation between schools in general amount, may mean that in these schools there are some problems in the given religious education. Also, it is an unwanted development to have a gradual decline both in terms of age and class at the attachment to school. It is needed to find the reasons of this decline as a result of a more detailed searches and accordingly conduct educational activities that will develop the attachments of students to school.