dc.contributor.author | Duran, Ramazan | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-11-09T19:56:19Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-11-09T19:56:19Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2016 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 1308-2140 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 1308-2140 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TWpjeU9ERXhNUT09 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12440/4794 | |
dc.description.abstract | Çalışmada klâsik Türk edebiyatı nesrinde manayı lafızda resmetme olarak da tanımlayabileceğimiz taklidî âhenk meselesi ele alınmıştır. Klâsik edebiyatın -ister manzum isterse mensur olsun- temel kaynağı Kur'ân-ı Kerim'dir. Taklidî âhengin ilk ve en güzel örneklerini şiirin ve nesrin bütün meziyetlerini bünyesinde barındıran Kur'ân-ı Kerim'de görmekteyiz. Bu yüzden makalede önce Kur'ân-ı Kerîm'de taklidî âhenge dair unsurların yer aldığı bazı âyet ve sûrelerden örnekler verilmiştir. Daha sonra doktora çalışmamız olan 18. yüzyıl müellif ve mütercimlerinden Nüzhet Efendi'nin Cevâhirü'l-hikem fî-tehzîbi Ahlâkı'lümem isimli Marzubân-nâme tercümesindeki taklidî âhenge dair unsurlardan örnekler verilerilerek âhengin zor bir türü olan taklidî âhengin sadece manzum eserlere has bir özellik olmadığı manzum eserlerle birlikte mensur eserlerde de -özellikle de süslü nesirdemüelliflerin hem eserde akıcılığı sağlamak hem de kendi sanat kudretlerini göstermek amacıyla başvurdukları üslûbî bir özellik olduğu ifade edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Makalenin giriş bölümünde üslûbun tanımıyla beraber üslûba etki eden faktörler belirtilmiş ve münşeât üslûbu üzerinde durulmuştur. Birinci bölümde âhenk ve mensur eserlerde temel âhenk unsurları; seci', aliterasyon ve ritim hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde âyet ve sûrelerden örneklerle Kur'ân-ı Kerim'de taklidî âhenk konusu ele alınmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise 18. yüzyıl müellif ve mütercimlerinden Nüzhet Efendi'ye ait Cevâhirü'l-hikem fî-tehzîbi Ahlâkı'l-ümem isimli Marzubân-nâme tercümesindeki taklidî âhenge dair bazı bölümler izah edilmeye çalışılmıştır | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | In our study, the matter of imitative harmony which we can define also as portrayal of meaning in a statement in classical Turkish literature prose is dealt with peculiar to Quran and Marzubân-nâme named Cevâhirü’l-hikem fî-tehzîbi ahlâkı’l-ümem of Nüzhet Efendi who was one of the 18th century author translators. The term of imitative harmony has been used as a term peculiar to mostly poetic works in studies have been done until today. It is possible to see imitative harmony which is the difficult type of harmony not only in poetic works but also in prose. We see the first and the finest examples of imitative harmony in Quran that incorporates all qualities of poetry and prose. Introduction of this article includes the definition of style and elements that affect style and also lays emphasis on the style of prose works. The first part of the study involves information about harmony, essential harmony aspects in prose works, rhyme, alliteration and rhythm. The topic of imitative harmony in Quran has been dealt with examples of verses and surah in second part. In third part of the study we have tried to examine some chapters about imitative harmony in translation of Marzubân-nâme named Cevâhirü’l-hikem fîtehzîbi ahlâkı’l-ümem of Nüzhet Efendi who was one of the 18th century artists.chapter information about harmony and primary harmony elements such as rhyme, alliteration and rhythm in prose works. In second chapter topic of imitative harmony in Quran is dealt with the examples of verses and surahs. In third chapter, some chapters about imitative harmony in translation of Marzubân-nâme named Cevâhirü’l-hikem fî-tehzîbi Ahlâkı’lümem of Nüzhet Efendi who was one of the 18th century artists are tried to be explained. The main aim in literary works – whether it is prose or poem – is to give literature pleasure to reader. For literary pleasure in any literary work, language materials are to be gathered properly. Vocal harmony and level of literary pleasure differs according to author’s artistic competence. Main elements that ensure harmony especially imitative harmony in prose are rhyme, alliteration and rhythm. Main source of classical literature - whether it is prose or poem – is Quran. Style of Quran which is the words of Allah is specific. It is impossible to find its similar neither in Arabic culture nor in any culture. . We see first and finest examples of imitative harmony in Quran which embodies qualities of poem and prose. One of style characteristics of Quran is to strengthen meaning with phonetic harmony. Quran that revitalizes believers for afterlife and has been sent within 2 years long period is a peerless book in terms of sequence of letter and word beside content. Quran sometimes displays Garden of Eden full of blessings and sometimes portrays hell and gossip and slander that is like cancer for social life with the help of imitative harmony. Imitative harmony in Quran is get by rhyme, alliteration and rhythm and sometimes by rhythm among verses. Quran with this peerless style has been effective on scientific and literary works in Islamic world. Quran with its own style addressed remarks not only to literate Arabs but to every person from different levels. Any person whether he or she is Muslim or not, scholar or illiterate can benefit from it according to their comprehension level. The term of imitative harmony has been used as a term peculiar generally to poetic works. It is possible to see the difficult style of imitative harmony in prose works also. One of the best examples of imitative harmony in prose Koca Ragıp Pasha who was a statesman and lived in 18th century and studied science in his period and the other one is Cevâhirü’l-hikem fî-tehzîbi Ahlâkı’l-ümem of Nüzhet Efendi. Nüzhet Efendi is a personage who was one ulemas in 18th century. Nüzhet Efendi is a musician as well as he is poet, prose writer and translator. It is possible to find in his work Cevâhirü’l-hikem fî-tehzîbi Ahlâkı’l-ümem (Persian Marzuban-name) traces of his professions mentioned above. However one of the most important specialities of Nusret Efendi is to apply his music ability to prose. Nusret Efendi produced a harmonious structure in his work with the help of rhyme, alliteration and rhythm and münşeat style | en_US |
dc.language.iso | tur | en_US |
dc.relation.ispartof | Turkish Studies (Elektronik) | en_US |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | en_US |
dc.subject | [No Keywords] | en_US |
dc.type | article | en_US |
dc.relation.publicationcategory | Makale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı | en_US |
dc.department | Gümüşhane Üniversitesi | en_US |
dc.identifier.volume | 11 | en_US |
dc.identifier.issue | 20 | en_US |
dc.identifier.startpage | 161 | en_US |
dc.contributor.institutionauthor | Duran, Ramazan | |
dc.identifier.endpage | 174 | en_US |