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dc.contributor.authorAksakal, Vecihi
dc.contributor.authorHaşimoğlu, Sümer
dc.contributor.authorBayram, Bahri
dc.contributor.authorDellal, Gürsel
dc.contributor.authorErdoğan, Yaşar
dc.contributor.authorAltun, Hilal Ürüşan
dc.contributor.authorCengiz, Mahir Murat
dc.description.abstractThe majority of farm households in Turkey and especially the Eastern Anatoliaare still based on low-input semi subsistence agriculture and livestock production. Despite a slow decline in recent years, agriculture and livestock production remains a major employer in Turkey and it is a significant contributor to the country's gross domestic product, GDP. Whist Turkey is one of the EU candidate countries, is self sufficient in food production and Turkish agriculture is poorly structured inefficient, with farming in the Eastern Anatolia being mainly subsistence farming. Yet, these traditional rural structures combined with poor access to low level of education and low level of off-farm unemployment problem makes the situation more complicated and unsustainable. The best way to promote sustainability, better and higher production of Eastern Anatolian and rural Turkey is to invest in the local people, villages through improved, continuing and effective agricultural and livestock programs in particular.Investment in human capital especially in the rural areas leads to more employment opportunities through entrepreneurship and innovation in organic agriculture and livestock production. A holistic approach to developing and improving supply chains could unlock the potential for sophisticated, state-of-the-art organic agriculture and livestockproducers and businesses in the region to become EU and global players. Eastern Anatolian livestock producers and the farmers have the ambitions to take part in future progress because the region is naturally organic not by design but default.It is for sure that present potential of the region has not been fully determined and utilized. EU has greatly benefited from previous enlargements economically, politically and socially. When European Union (EU) and Turkish Government relations considered and accession of Turkey to EU would be the logical consequence of the previous accessions. The screening on chapter 11 (Agriculture and rural development) is one of the important criteria and Turkey is working on to meet these benchmarks.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofTürk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji dergisien_US
dc.subjectZiraat Mühendisliğien_US
dc.subjectGıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisien_US
dc.titleSustainability Organic Agriculture and Livestock Production with Respect to European Union in Eastern Anatolia and East Black Sea Regionsen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.departmentGümüşhane Üniversitesien_US

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