Improving Rheological and Baking Properties of Gluten-Free Breads Using Defatted Hazelnut Flour with Various Gums

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Defatted hazelnut flour (DHF) in different levels (5 %, 10% and 15 %) of locust bean, guar and xanthan gum were added in rice-based gluten-free formulations to improve rheological properties of dough and baking properties of bread. The rheological characteristics of dough samples were determined by steady flow curves and dynamic tests. The baking properties of breads were evaluated by specific volume, Textural Profile Analysis (TPA) parameters and color values. The rheological measurements showed that all gluten-free dough had pseudoplastic behavior. Specific volume values of breads ranged from 2.20 to 2.83 cm(3)/g. Gum addition enhanced the specific volume of gluten-free breads. Hardness values of gluten-free breads ranged from 1,069.80 to 3,135.88 g and DHF addition of gluten-free formulations caused significant decrease of the hardness values of breads (p < 0.05). DHF addition in gluten-free formulations made bread crumb darker than bread without DHF and gum. DHF addition also increased a and b values of gluten-free bread's crumb.