Assessment of liquefaction potential of Erzincan Province and its vicinity, Turkey

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One of the most important causes of damages after the earthquakes is the soil liquefaction. Liquefaction can be defined as temporary loss in strength of saturated sandy and silty deposits under transient and cyclic loadings due to excess pore water pressure. This study includes determination of liquefaction potential in Erzincan city center and its vicinity. Due to the proximity of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, in a probable earthquake, Erzincan Province is thought to be affected. In this context, the earthquake scenarios were produced using the empirical expressions. Liquefaction potential for different earthquake magnitudes was determined. These earthquake magnitudes were selected as 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, respectively. Liquefaction potential was investigated using standard penetration test (SPT) data. The first stage of the study, 63 boreholes in different locations was drilled and SPT was performed. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were taken from these boreholes. Laboratory testing was performed to determine physical properties of soil samples, and liquefaction potential analyses were examined using three methods, namely Seed and Idriss (J Soil Mech Found Div ASCE 97(9):1249-1273, 1971), Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (Soil Found 23(4):56-74, 1983), Iwasaki et al. (Soil liquefaction potential evaluation with use of the simplified procedure. International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis, pp 209-214, 1981). In order to complete liquefaction analysis within a short time, MATLAB program was prepared. Liquefaction potential analyses were carried out with the MATLAB program. At the final stage of this study, liquefaction potential maps were prepared for different earthquake magnitudes. The expected results will be shared with the local authorities and important engineering remedial measurements will be proposed to prevent further life losses and to mitigate property losses.