Environmental Problems from the Open Dump in Gumushane Province and Investigation of Biological Recycling for the Organic Solid Wastes

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This paper presents a general overview of current municipal waste management in Gumushane Province. Both the drawbacks of present disposal method are discussed and solution proposals are submitted. The solid waste samples, one sample in every week and total fifty two samples in a year, were taken from the municipal solid waste open dumping area during a year, 2004 March-2005 February. Compostable organic parts of the samples, separated from the mixed municipal solid waste, were analyzed in order to determine the suitability of composting for the disposal of municipal solid wastes in Gumushane. The moisture content, C/N ratio and pH for all samples were determined and evaluated. The values with high moisture content being 78% (74% in spring, 83% in summer, and 78% in autumn and 77% in winter), relatively low C/N ratio being 21.6/1 (22.2/1 in spring, 16.2/1 in summer, 23.7/1 in autumn and 27.5/1 in winter), and low pH being 4.73 (5.50 in spring, 4.25 in summer, 4.45 in autumn and 4.72 in winter) disclose that composting of the organic wastes aren't suitable.