Effects of sister line mixtures on grain yield and some quality parameters in wheat

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This study examined grain yield and grain quality (protein content, 1000 kernel weight, SDS sedimentation) of 100 wheat plant materials including 4 varieties (Gerek, Aytin, Kutluk and Kirac), 6 sister line mixtures (with each mixture consisting of 15 sister lines per diallel cross) and 90 F7 sister lines (6 crosses x 15 sister lines). In total, 100 different plant materials were used in a 10 x 10 lattice design. Plant material was sown during the 2006- 2007 growing season in two locations in Turkey (Eskisehir and Mahmudiye) with three replications per location. Analysis of variance of the combined locations found significant differences (p?0.01) between locations and among genotypes for all 4 parameters examined. Grain yield varied significantly (p?0.01) by block [replication] in Eskisehir and by variety in both Eskisehir and Mahmudiye. Mean grain yields at Eskisehir, Mahmudiye and the combined locations were higher for sister-line mixtures when compared to sister lines and varieties. Mean grain yields of the combined locations varied between 5125 kg ha-1 (GRK/AYT) and 2764 kg ha-1 (GRK/KRC-9). Significant differences (p?0.05) in SDS sedimentation of plant materials were found at both Eskisehir and Mahmudiye, whereas significant differences (p?0.05) in 1000 kernel weight and protein composition were found at Eskisehir only. In high-variety vigor, significant difference (p?0.05) was detected for protein content at AYT/KRC (-6.8) among the sister-line mixtures in the combined locations. These results suggest that a good mixture of sister lines may result in higher grain yields. Further studies are required that look at grain yields among a greater number of sister lines.