A research on instıtutıonal socıal responsıbılıty projects executed in the matter of educatıon

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Together with developing world, needs, charges and responsibilities also are changing. At the age we are in holdings, enterprises, corporations and organisations had become charged to do community oriented works now. In this regard, those mentioned units had transformed to state that they felt themselves responsible to give they took from people to people again. Corporations especially had tended towards social responsibility stusies to be able to addres their target groups before societ within the context of public relations activities and to establish a bridge in between. As change in time also cause change in expectations, now corporations had concentrated on social responsibility studies to be able to be approved in society and to continue their existing prestiges, instead of contenting teirselves just with commercial activities. Thus, also the importance of the concept called institutional social responsibility had increased in the century we live. Within this frame, to research efforts made in social responsibility studies executed in the area of “education” is forming the subject of this study. From the point of view of mentioned notion, a sample had been formed through coincidental choice of ten of institutions becoming prominent in society in this study. According to the research done through web sites of these ten institutions included the sample, examples to the studies institutions executed in educational area had been given by telling their institutional social responsibility understandings and policies, and their contents had been tried to be expressed. While existance of institutional social responsibility policies in six institutions included the study had been drawing attention, it had been determined that Business Bank of Turkey’s (Türkiye İş Bankası) and Turkcell’s institutional social responsibility activities accomplished in educational area were more different than the other eight institution and realized in areas more than one. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.