Browsing TR-Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 982-1001 of 1391
A rapid and sensitive spectrofluorometric method for the determination of Au(III) based on fluorescence quenching of a 1,3,5-triphenyl-2-pyrazoline
(2018)A simple, rapid, sensitive, and low-cost spectrofluorometric method was developed for the determination of Au(III) using 5-(2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole (L) in ethanol/water. ... -
The Reflections of American Dream and Postmodern Consumerism: Mark Ravenhill’s Shopping and F ing and Faust Is Dead
(2017)Bu çalışma bazı önemli eserlerinde Amerikan rüyası ve çağdaş tüketim kültürünün görüldüğü Mark Ravenhill'in ilgili oyunları üzerine odaklanmayı amaçlar. Ravenhill tüketim algısını çağdaş postmodern ortamın doyumsuzluğuna ... -
The Reflections of The Syrian War on The Roman as in the Example Novel of “The Apartment on Nile Street”;“Nil Caddesinde Bir Daire” Romanı Örneğinde Suriye Savaşının Roman Üzerindeki Yansımaları
(2019)????????? ????????? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ??.?? ??????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????????? ??????? ???? ????????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ... -
Reklam Beğenilirliğine Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi
(2019)Bu çalışmada; bir televizyon reklamına yönelik beğeniyi oluşturan değişkenlerin belirlenmesi ve her bir değişkenin reklam beğenilirliği üzerine etkisini bir model aracılığı ile göstermek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, Tadım ... -
(2019)Sanayi sonrası toplumun uzantısı olarak adlandırılan bilgi toplumu, internet tabanlı teknolojilerin gündelik yaşamı kuşattığı bir zaman olarak tasarımlanmaktadır. İnsan makine etkileşimi sayesinde; nesnelerin interneti ... -
Reklamlarda Metaforik Öğelerin Kullanımı: Kozmetik Reklamları Örneği
(2019)Bu çalışmada reklam ve diğer pazarlama iletişimi çalışmalarında mesajı hedef kitleyle buluşturmak için sıklıkla başvurulan görsel metafor kavramı üzerine bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın genel amacı, kozmetik ... -
The Relationship Between Female Labor Force Participation and Labor Productivity: Panel Data Analysis
(2016)Çalışmada kadınların işgücüne katılımını temsil eden çeşitli göstergeler ile emek verimliliği arasındaki istihdamı ile birlikte emek verimliliğinin artacağı hipotezi 1985-2010 yıllarını ve 110 ülkeyi kapsayan panel veri ... -
(2021)Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Tourism Sector are two significant factors both contributing to development, directly and indirectly, and also foreign exchange need of developing world. In this regard, the paper tries ... -
The relationship between ischemia-modified albumin and myocardial infarction in on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting
(2015)Amaç: Bu çalışmada, iskemi modifiye albümin (İMA)’nin on-pump koroner arter baypas greftleme (ONCABG)’de ameliyat sırası miyokard enfarktüsünü (PME) erken dönemde öngörebilme potansiyeli değerlendirildi. Çalışmaplanı: ... -
The Relationship Between Nutrition and Worker Efficiency
(2020)For work efficiency, the well-being of workers and their concentration on work are among the main factors. For this reason, it is important on behalf of the workers' health to have balanced and adequate nutrition which ... -
Relationship between Political and Financial Risks in Turkey: Evidence from Fourier Cointegration Analysis Regarding Institutional Structures
(2021)Institutional structure and quality of management are the main elements that form the political risks. Political threats are directly linked to the institutional structure and the institutional design. Political risks ... -
The relationship between serum lipid levels, high blood pressure and obesity in children
(2014)Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı sağlıklı çocuklarda serum lipit, kolesterol ve obezite seviyesini tespit ederek, bunlar arasında ilişki olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Yöntemler: Örneklem grubunu Nisan-Mayıs 2011 tarihleri arasında ... -
The Relationship Between the Upper-Body Strength Characteristics with Velocity and Power Parameters During the Bench Throw Movement: Is Sport Branch An Important Factor ?
(2020)The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the relationship between the upper-body strength characteristic with velocity and power parameters during the bench throw exercise shows a significant difference according ... -
Relationship of Urban Development with the Heat Islands, Trabzon Case Study
(2020)Trabzon, a developing port town province that is located near the Black Sea region of Turkey. Trabzon, the 29th most crowded province of Turkey shows the intensity of urbanization on the coastal zone. In this study, it is ... -
A Research on the Relationship Between Performance and Medicine Styles
(2017)Objective: The behavior and approach of doctors have always been important. In the literature, these behavior styles are often described through doctor-patient relationship. The aim of this study is to go beyond this ... -
Respect for Tradition: The Role of War Poets in Michael Longley’s Poetry
(2017)Bu çalışma, I. ve II. Dünya Savaşları'nda yaşamlarını yitiren savaş şairlerine birçok şiirinde açık ya da örtülü göndermede bulunan Kuzey İrlandalı şair Michael Longley'nin öncellerini şiirlerine konuk etme nedenlerini ... -
(2018)Flow boiling researches in enhanced geometries practiced recently have been summarized in this review. Classical approximations in macroscale flows have not applied to the flows with small hydraulic diameters, so, this ... -
A Review Study on the Using of Diethyl Ether in Diesel Engines: Effects on CO Emissions
(2019)This study was compiled from the results of various researches performed on usage diethyl ether as a fuel or fuel additive in diesel engines. Three different methods have been used the reduction of the harmful exhaust ... -
A Review Study on the Using of Diethyl Ether in Diesel Engines: Effects on HC Emissions
(2019)This study was compiled from the results of various researches performed on using diethyl ether as a fuel or fuel additive in diesel engines. Three different methods have been used the reduction of the harmful exhaust ... -
A Review Study on the Using of Diethyl Ether in Diesel Engines: Effects on NOx Emissions
(2018)This study was compiled from the results of variousresearches performed on using diethyl ether as a fuel or fuel additive in diesel engines. Three different techniques have used the reduction of the harmful exhaust emissions ...