Now showing items 21-30 of 89
Contemporary discussions in international relations: International migration and security
(Peter Lang AG, 2019)
[No abstract available]
Postmodern political perspective
(Peter Lang AG, 2019)
[No abstract available]
Post-fordism and urban policy
(Peter Lang AG, 2019)
[No abstract available]
Entrepreneurial orientation, intangible resources advantage, and corporate growth: Evidence from Turkish SMEs
(Peter Lang AG, 2017)
[No abstract available]
The relationship between foreign direct investment and employment: The case of the balkan countries
(Peter Lang AG, 2017)
[No abstract available]
Determining the occupational health and security of personnel working in a highly dangerous industrial branch
(Peter Lang AG, 2017)
[No abstract available]
Influence of facebook applications on consumer purchase intention: A case study of generation Y
(Peter Lang AG, 2017)
[No abstract available]
Governance quality and taxation: A panel co-integration evidence for OECD countries
(Peter Lang AG, 2017)
[No abstract available]
System theory in international relations and the evolution of the international system in the historical process
(Peter Lang AG, 2017)
[No abstract available]
Establishment of beet sugar industries in Turkey and Great Britain during the 1920's
(Peter Lang AG, 2017)
[No abstract available]