ABSTRACT BOOK of the conference ICAAM 2020

Göster/ Aç
Ashyralyyev, Charyyar
Hincal, Evren
Ashyralyyev, Charyyar
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The conference is organized biannually. Previous conferences were held in Gumushane, Turkey in 2012, Shymkent, Kazakhstan in 2014, Almaty, Kazakhstan in 2016,
Lefko¸sa (Nicosia), Mersin 10, Turkey in 2018 and in 2020. The aim of the International
Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM) is to bring mathematicians
working in the area of analysis and applied mathematics together to share new trends of
applications of mathematics. In mathematics, the developments in the field of applied
mathematics open new research areas in analysis and vice versa. That is why, we plan
to found the conference series to provide a forum for researches and scientists to communicate their recent developments and to present their original results in various fields
of analysis and applied mathematics.
Web page: http://icaam-online.org/