Constraints of C-O-S isotope compositions and the origin of the Unlupinar volcanic-hosted epithermal Pb-Zn +/- Au deposit, Gumushane, NE Turkey

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AKARYALI ENVER,AKBULUT KÜBRA (2016). Constraints of C O S isotope compositions and the origin of the Ünlüpınar volcanic hosted epithermal Pb Zn Au deposit Gümüshane NE Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 117, 119-134., Doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.12.012Özet
The Eastern Pontide Orogenic Belt (EPOB) constitutes one of the best examples of the metallogenic provinces in on the Alpine-Himalayan belt. This study focuses on the genesis of the Unlupinar Pb-Zn +/- Au deposit in the southern part of the Eastern Pontide Orogenic Belt. The main lithological units in the study area are the Early Carboniferous Kurtoglu Metamorphic Complex the Late Carboniferous Kose Granitoid and the Early-Middle Jurassic Senkoy Formation. The studied deposit is hosted by the Senkoy Formation, which consists predominantly of basaltic-andesitic rocks and associated pyroclastic rocks that are calc-alkaline in composition. Silicic, sulfidic, argillic, chloritic, hematitic, carbonate and limonite are the most obvious alteration types observed in the deposit site. Ore microscopy studies exhibit that the mineral paragenesis in deposits includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, gold, quartz and calcite. Electron microprobe analyses conducted on sphalerite indicate that the Zn/Cd ratio varies between 84 and 204, and these ratios point at a hydrothermal deposit related to granitic magmas. Fluid inclusion studies in calcite and quartz show that the homogenization temperature of the studied deposit ranges between 90-160 degrees C and 120-330 degrees C respectively. The values of sulfur isotope analysis of pyrite, sphalerite and galena minerals vary between 1.6 parts per thousand and 5.7 parts per thousand, and the results of oxygen and carbon isotope analysis range between 8.4 parts per thousand and 18 parts per thousand and -5 parts per thousand and -3.6 parts per thousand, respectively. The average formation temperature of the ore was calculated as 264 degrees C with a sulfur isotope geothermometer. All of the data indicate that the Unlupinar deposit is an epithermal vein-type mineralization that was formed depending on the granitic magmatism. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.