Seismicity assessment for the different regions in and around Turkey based on instrumental data: Gumbel first asymptotic distribution and Gutenberg-Richter cumulative frequency law

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The evaluation of the seismicity in 24 seismic re gions, in which Turkey and adjacent areas divided, is car ried out. For this purpose two methods are adopted. The
first is the “whole process” which follows the Gutenberg and
Richter distribution frequency-magnitude law, while the sec ond one is the “part process” which is well known as the the ory of extreme values. This theory was developed by Gum bel in order to solve many geophysical problems. The first
asymptotic distribution of extremes was used in the present
study. The advantage of the method is that it does not re quired analysis of the whole data set. It uses, instead, the
sequence of earthquakes with the largest magnitudes in a set
of predetermined equal-time intervals. The parameters a and
b were estimated from both methods. For the goodness of fit,
to the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-magnitude law, the max imum likelihood approach is applied. The b-values calcu lated from Gutenberg and Richter frequency-magnitude law,
reveal a better fit to the tectonic environment of the 24 seis mic regions of Turkey and its surroundings examining in this
study. On the other hand b-values evaluated from Gumbel’s
first distribution, do not adjust to the particular tectonics of
the 24 seismic regions. The modal value a1/b adopted from
Gutenberg-Richter for the 24 seismic regions were calcu lated, as well.
An effort made to correlate the tectonics of the area with
the spatial distribution of the various computed seismic pa rameter, while maps were produced for this purpose. These
maps provide a detail image of seismicity and local tecton ics for the whole investigated area. The results showed that
the Aegean arc and the North Anatolian fault zone ranked
among to the first positions between the 24 seismic regions