Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Selective Separation, Preconcentration and Determination of Au(III) ions in Environmental Samples by Coprecipitation with a 1,2,4- Triazole Derivative
(Atomic Spectroscopy, 2013)
An effective, simple, lowcost, and accurate separation and preconcentration procedure which has minimal impact on the environment has been developed. It is based on the carrier element-free coprecipitation (CEFC) of ...
An Application of Carrier Element Free Coprecipitation (CEFC) Method for Determination of Co(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II) Ions in Some Food and Water Samples
(Acta Chimica Slovenica, 2013)
A simple and highly sensitive separation and preconcentration procedure, which has minimal impact on the environment, has been developed. The procedure is based on the carrier element free coprecipitation (CEFC) of Co(II), ...
Development a new solid phase extraction procedure for selective separation and enrichment of Au(III) in some environmental samples
(Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2013)
A highly sensitive, selective and low cost solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure was developed for separation and enrichment of Au(III) ions in environmental samples prior to its flame atomic absorption spectrometric ...
Separation and Preconcentration of Au(III) Ions in Natural Waters and Environmental Samples by Carrier Element Free Coprecipitation Method
(6th Blacksea Basın Conference on Analytical Chemistry, 2013)
[Abstract Not Available]
İçme Suyu Arıtma Tesisleri Atık Çamuru İle Sulu Çözeltilerden Co(II)’nin Adsorpsiyonu
(Uluslararası Katılımlı Çevre Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, 2013)
[Abstract Not Available]
Carrier Element-free Coprecipitation with 3-(4-Tert-Butylphenyl)-5-Phenyl-4-(2-Hydroxy-4-Methoxybenzylamino)-4H-1,2,4-Triazole for Separation/Preconcentration of Pb(II) and Cd(II) from Various Matrix
(6th Blacksea Basın Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Book of Abstracts, 2013)
[Abstract Not Available]
Analysis of Trace Elements in Various Matrix by Coprecipitation Method Using a Triazole Derivative Ligand
(6th Blacksea Basın Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Book of Abstracts, 2013)
[Abstract Not Available]
Kara Dut (Morus nigra L.) Bitkisinin In Vitro Çoğaltımı
Karadutun (Morus nigra L.) doku kültürü ile çoğaltılabilme imkanlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada, erişkin ağaçların obur dallarından alınan nodal eksplantlardan çoklu sürgün teşvikini sağlamaya yönelik etkili ...
Determination of Pb(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Co(II) ions by flame atomic absorption spectrometry in food and water samples after preconcentration by coprecipitation with Mo(VI)-diethyldithiocarbamate
(Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013)
A new, simple, and rapid separation and preconcentration procedure, for determination of Pb(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), and Co(II) ions in environmental real samples, has been developed. The method is based on the combination of ...
Selective separation and preconcentration of copper in environmental samples onto Amberlite XAD-8 in a packed-bed column after complexation with a carbothioamide derivative
(Química Nova, 2013)
A new solid phase extraction (SPE) method has been developed for the selective separation and preconcentration of Cu (II) ions in food and water samples prior to its flame atomic absorption spectrometry determination. The ...