Now showing items 41-50 of 56
Petrochemistry and petrology of I-type granitoids in an arc setting: the composite Torul pluton, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey
(Springer-Verlag 2007, 2007-04-16)
The Upper Cretaceous Torul pluton, located in the Eastern Pontides, is of sub-alkaline affinity and displays features typical of volcanic arc granitoids. It is a composite pluton consisting of granodiorite, biotite hornblende ...
Petrographical, geochemical and petrological characteristics of Eocene volcanic rocks in the Mescitli area, Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey)
Mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical data are presented for the Eocene aged Mescitli volcanics in the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey). The studied rocks are composed of basaltic andesitic, andesitic, ...
Mineral chemistry, whole-rock geochemistry and petrology of Eocene I-type shoshonitic plutons in the Golkoy area (Ordu, NE Turkey)
(Maden Tetkik Ve Arama Genel Mudurlugu-Mta, 2018)
The Eocene intermediate to felsic plutons are widespread in varying sizes and compositions throughout the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt in NE Turkey. Of these, two monzonitic bodies (namely the Eriko Tepe and Gol Tepe ...
Trace and Rare Earth Elements as Indicators of Provenance and Depositional Environments of Lias Cherts in Gumushane, NE, Turkey
(Chemie der Erde,, 2012)
Trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) of Lias-aged cherts in the Gumushane area were studied in order to understand their origin and depositional environment. Twenty three chert samples from five stratigraphic ...
U-Pb geochronology, bulk-rock geochemistry and petrology of Late Cretaceous syenitic plutons in the Gölköy (Ordu) area (NE Turkey): Implications for magma generation in a continental arc extension triggered by slab roll-back
Late Cretaceous felsic plutons in the Eastern Pontides orogenic belt of Turkey are found in varying ages, sizes and compositions. The Late Cretaceous syenitic bodies, namely Direkli and Yeniköy Tepe plutons in the Ordu ...
Bayburt kuzeyindeki (Doğu Pontidler, Türkiye) Senozoyik yaşlı plütonik kayaçların petrografisi, mineral kimyası ve kristallenme koşulları
Doğu Pontidler, Paleozoyik’ten Senozoyik’e kadar farklı yaş aralığı, bileşim ve büyüklüğe sahip pek çok plütona ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bu plütonik kütlelerden özellikle Senozoyik yaşlı olanlar, Doğu Pontidler’in güney ...
Doğu Pontid Kuzey Zonunda yüzeylenen Paleozoyik yaşlı granitlerin U-Pb zirkon yaşlandırması, Sr-Nd-Pb-O izotop sistematikleri ve jeodinamik evrimi
[Abstract Not Available]
Doğu Pontid Güney Zonu’ndaki (Bayburt) Tersiyer yaşlı intruzif kayaçların Petrokimyası, Jeokronolojisi ve İzotop Sistematikleri
[Abstract Not Available]
Mineral chemistry, crystallization conditions and petrography of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the Bahçecik (Torul/Gümüşhane) area, Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey).
Mineralogical, petrographical and mineral chemistry properties are presented for the Cenozoic aged Bahcecik volcanics in the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey). The studied volcanic rocks are composed of basaltic andesitic, ...
Global warming and renewable energy sources for sustainable development: A case study in Turkey
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2008)
Renewable energy sources have been important for humans since the beginning of civilization. For centuries and in many ways, biomass has been used for heating and cooking. Many centuries ago mankind was already utilizing ...