Now showing items 1-10 of 41
Petrogenesis of the late Cretaceous Turnagöl intrusion in the eastern Pontides: Implications for magma genesis in the arc setting
(Production and hosting by Elsevier, 2012-09-28)
A series of Cretaceous plutons is present in the eastern Pontides of northeastern Turkey. The Turnagöl intrusion is the least studied and, thus, the least understood plutons in the orogen. This intrusion consists of ...
LA-ICP MS zircon dating, whole-rock and Sr–Nd–Pb–O isotope geochemistry of the Camiboğazı pluton, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: Implications for lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources in arc-related I-type magmatism
(Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved, 2014-02-15)
Late Cretaceous I-type plutons arewidespread in the Eastern Pontides,NE Turkey. The studied Camiboğazı pluton is a composite pluton consisting of diorite, tonalite, monzodiorite, monzonite, quartz monzonite, granite, and ...
Geochemical composition of magnetite from different iron skarn mineralizations in NE Turkey: implication for source of ore-forming fluids
(Springer Heidelberg, 2020)
Iron oxide mineralizations in the eastern part of the Pontides (NE Turkey) are hosted in the skarn environments which are the Pontide paleomagmatic arc. These mineralizations always occur in the contacts between granitoid ...
Nature of the Tourmaline in Q-Porphyry from Eastern Pontide (NE Turkey): An U-Pb zircon Age, Geochemistry and Isotopic Approach
(Periodico di Mineralogica, 2019-12-07)
[Abstract Not Available]
Kalınçam (Tonya-Trabzon, KD Türkiye) Yöresi Geç Kretase Yaşlı Volkanitlerin Jeokimyası ve Petrojenezi
Doğu Karadeniz Bölümü'nde, Kalınçam (Tonya, Trabzon) yöresi volkanitleri Geç Kretase yaşlı olup, tabanda bazalt, andezit ve piroklastitleri, bunları sırasıyla dasit, riyodasit ve piroklastitleri, andezit ve piroklastitleri ...
Organic maturity and hydrocarbon potential of Liassic coals from the eastern Pontides, NE-Turkey
(Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2011-07-08)
Organic matter content, type of organic material and thermal maturity of Lias-aged coals of the Gumushane and Bayburt areas were investigated. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents of coals in the Gumushane area range ...
Concentrations of elements in Lias coals from the eastern Black Sea Region, NE-Turkey
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2016)
The element contents and organic matter-element relation between Lias-aged coals exposed in four fields in Gumushane and Bayburt were investigated. In general, fixed carbon and gross calorific values of the Edire and ...
Geochemistry of dacitic volcanics in the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey)
(Maik Nauka/Interperiodica/Springer, 2014)
Dacitic rocks that crop out around the Zigana Mountain (GumuAYhane) in the eastern Pontide (NE Turkey), are mainly composed of quartz, plagioclase, sanidine, amphibole, muscovite, and biotite as the main minerals. Zircon ...
Trace and Rare Earth Elements as Indicators of Provenance and Depositional Environments of Lias Cherts in Gumushane, NE, Turkey
(Chemie der Erde,, 2012)
Trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) of Lias-aged cherts in the Gumushane area were studied in order to understand their origin and depositional environment. Twenty three chert samples from five stratigraphic ...
Formation of skarns at Gümüşhane (Northeastern Turkey)
(Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie-Abhandlungen, 2011)
Skarn deposits are located in the NE Black Sea region of Turkey belonging to the Alpin metallogenic province. The Fe skarn deposit at Arnastal is hosted by Late Cretaceous carbonate rocks comprised of limestone and the ...