Browsing by Author "Kıranşan, Murat"
Now showing items 1-20 of 51
Adsorption of two cationic textile dyes from water with modified nanoclay: A comparative study by using central composite design
Kıranşan, Murat (Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2015-11-14)[Abstract Not Available] -
Applications of Fenton and Fenton-Like Processes in the Removal of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater
Kıranşan, Murat (IECISR2020- 2nd International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Researches-Book of Proceedings Full Texts, 2020-07-05)[Abstract Not Available] -
Applications of the Ultrasound Assisted Sono-Photolytic and Sono-Photocatalytic Process in the Removal of Environmental and Domestic Waste: A Review
Kıranşan, Murat (3rd. International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials. (PCFM-2020)-Book of Proceedings Full Texts, 2020-09-23)[Abstract Not Available] -
Artificial neural network modeling of photocatalytic removal of a disperse dye using synthesized of ZnO nanoparticles on montmorillonite
Kıranşan, Murat (Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015-01-14)[Abstract Not Available] -
Central composite design optimization of textile dye adsorption onto nanoclay
Kıranşan, Murat (ECOSS-30 European Conference on Surface Science. Poster Bildirisi, 2014)[Abstract Not Available] -
Comparison of Degradation Efficiency of the Sulfamethoxazole Antibiotic Drug by Using Acidic Conditions From Aqueous Solutions With Heterogeneous Photocatalytic-Ozonation Process
Kıranşan, Murat (Euro Asia 7th. International Congress on Applied Sciences- Book of Proceedings Full Texts, 2020-08-22)[Abstract Not Available] -
Comparison of the removal efficiencies of Basic red 46 from aqueous solutiousing Aşkale lignite with and without ultrasound assisted processes
Karaca, Canan; Karaca, Melike; Kıranşan, Murat; Karaca, Semra; Acisli, Ozkan; Gürses, Ahmet (Elsevier B.V., 2023)This study compared the removal efficiencies of Basic red 46 from aqueous solutions with and without ultrasound-assisted processes using lignite as a low-cost adsorbent. The effects of various experimental parameters such ... -
The Effect of Photo-Fenton Oxidation Process in the Environmental Technology Applications
Kıranşan, Murat (Euro Asia 7th. International Congress on Applied Sciences-Book of Proceedings Full Texts, 2020-08-21)[Abstract Not Available] -
Effect of Photocatalytic Degradation Processes in the Removal of Pharmaceutical Drug and Organic Dye Pollutants in Wastewaters: A Review
Kıranşan, Murat (ISPEC2020- 8th International Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences-Book of Proceedings Full Texts, 2020-06-12)[Abstract Not Available] -
Efficient Photocatalytic Degradation Process of the Removal of Cationic Dyes from Aqueous Solutions Under the Effect of Different UV Radiation
Kıranşan, Murat (ISPEC2020- 8th International Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences- Book of Proceedings Full Texts, 2020-06-14)[Abstract Not Available] -
Kıranşan, Murat (8th International Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences-Özet Bildirileri Kitabı, 2020-06-13)[Abstract Not Available] -
Farklı Deneysel Şartlarda Metilen Mavisinin Piroliz EdiImiş Linyit Üzerine Adsorpsiyonunun Kinetik ve Termodinamiginin İncelenmesi
Kıranşan, Murat (26 th National Chemistry Congress, Bildiri Özetleri Kitapçığı, 2012)[Abstract Not Available] -
Grafen Oksit-Fe3O4 Nanokompoziti ile Metilen Mavisinin Fotokatalitik Degredasyonu
Kıranşan, Murat (V. Fiziksel Kimya Kongresi, Bildiri Özetleri Kitapçığı, 2015)[Abstract Not Available] -
Kıranşan, Murat (ULUSLARARASI GÖBEKLİTEPE UYGULAMALI BİLİMLER KONGRESİ, 5-7 Haziran 2020, ŞANLIURFA, 2020-06-05)[Abstract Not Available] -
Investigation of Kinetics and Thermodynamic of Methylene Blue Adsorption Onto Pyrolysed Lignite Sample at Different Conditions
Kıranşan, Murat (26 th National Chemistry Congress, Bildiri Özetleri Kitapçığı, 2012)[Abstract Not Available] -
Investigation of the alkyl chain length of surfactants on their adsorption by montmorillonite from aqueous solutions
Kıranşan, Murat (ECOSS-30 European Conference on Surface Science. Poster Bildirisi, 2014)[Abstract Not Available] -
Magnetically Separable Graphene Oxide-Fe3O4 Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Under UV Irradiation
Kıranşan, Murat (ITWCCST 2015- International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies. Bildiri Özetleri Kitapçığı, 2015-10-27)[Abstract Not Available] -
Modeling of adsorption isotherms and kinetics of remazol red RB adsorption from aqueous solution by modified clay
Kıranşan, Murat (Desalination and Water Treatment, 2012-07-30)[Abstract Not Available] -
Modeling of Adsorption Isotherms and Kinetics of Remazol Red RB Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions onto Modified Clay
Kıranşan, Murat (26 th National Chemistry Congress, Bildiri Özetleri Kitapçığı, 2012)There is an inaease in environmental pollution as a result of rapid industrialization. The biological effects of dyes after biotransformation have been shown to be toxic, and in some cases these compounds are carcinogenic ... -
Montmorillonit Üzerine İmmobilize Edilmiş Sentezlenmiş Çinko Oksit Nanopartikülleri ile Sülfametoksazolün Fotokatalitik Ozonlanması
Kıranşan, Murat (2. Uluslararası Yarıiletken Malzemeler ve Cihazlar Kongresi., 2018-08-28)[Abstract Not Available]