Tür "bookPart" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 156, listelenen: 1-20
2018 Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimlerine İlişkin Televizyon Haberleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme: ATV, FOX Tv, Halk TV Ana Haber Bültenleri
(Paradigma Yayınları, 2019)[Abstract Not Available] -
Ahmed Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevî’ye İsnâd Edilen Arap Dili ile İlgili Yazmalar
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2013)Her milletin kendine has tarihi ve kültürel bir mirası vardır. Sahip olduğumuz kültür mirasının en önemlilerinden biri de ecdâd yadigârı yazma eserlerdir. Yazma eserler yazılmış oldukları dönemlere ait mechul kalmış bir ... -
An analysis of the relationship between property rights and national income within the framework of new institutional economics theories
(Peter Lang AG, 2020)[No abstract available] -
Artificial intelligence in health and applications
(IGI Global, 2023)Artificial intelligence technologies are tools that develop with the contribution of different disciplines from statistics to computer science. These tools contribute to the health sector in many ways, from reducing medical ... -
Assessing Contribution of Climate Change on Wetlands by Using Multi-temporal Satellite Data
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2020)Numerous natural lentic systems of the world are under the threat of drying due to either natural or anthropogenic activities. Natural circumstances are basically due to climate change effects remarkably sensed within the ... -
Basic instruments in European Union urbanization policy
(Peter Lang AG, 2020)[No abstract available] -
Bedelli Özgürlük: Kadınlarda Boşanma Ve Sonrasında Yaşanan Travma
(Hegem Yayınevi, 2018)[Abstract Not Available] -
Bir Yerin Tabaktaki Kimliği - Gümüşhane: Gümüşhane Sironu
(DETAY YAYINCILIK, 2019)[Abstract Not Available] -
Bir Yerin Tabaktaki Kimliği - Samsun: Samsun Kaz Tiridi
(DETAY YAYINCILIK, 2019)[Abstract Not Available] -
Chingiz Aitmatov's grand narrative
(IGI Global, 2021)Beyond political and cultural criticisms, grand narratives have the authority to disclose real facts. This authority is most effective in the field of culture. Grand narratives are the universal presentation of local ... -
Climate change in global politics in the postmodern era: A new challenge and responses
(Peter Lang AG, 2019)[No abstract available] -
A conceptual view to corruption and broken windows Theory Approach
(Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2019)[No abstract available] -
Contemporary discussions in international relations: International migration and security
(Peter Lang AG, 2019)[No abstract available] -
COPRAS method with neutrosophic sets
(Springer Verlag, 2019)Interval neutrosophic number (INN), which is descripted by the degree of truth-membership, indeterminacy-membership and falsity-membership of an element, is a powerful information tool with many application areas. The ... -
Country of origin image and consumer knowledge effects on product evaluation and purchase intention
(Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2019)Introduction Consumers daily face lots of purchase decisions when they are buying products and services (Bas et al., 2016). They rely on some certain elements of the products to make the right decision about which product ... -
Cultural Heritage Tourism
(Peter Lang AG, 2021)This book has been prepared by pursuing a scientic goal in the eld of tourism and hotel management in order to create a resource for the academicians and sector representatives who conduct studies on the subject. Within ... -
Çocukların Cinsiyet Değişkenine Bağlı Olarak Çizgi Film İzleme Alışkanlıkları Üzerine Bir Araştırma
(Çizgi Kitabevi, 2019)[Abstract Not Available]