Kurum Yazarı "Öztürk, Serkan" İçin Listeleme
Aftershock Probability Assessment for the Earthquake of September 6, 2009, Albenia, based on the Gutenberg-Richter and modified Omori Formulae
Öztürk, Serkan; Ormeni, Rrapo (EMSC Newsletter, 2009)[Abstract Not Available] -
An appraisal on the aftershock characteristics of the July 4, 2018 earthquake, ML=5.1, near Durres, Albania
Öztürk, Serkan; Ormeni, Rrapo (Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences, 2019)Statistical properties of the aftershock sequence of July 4, 2018 earthquake, ML=5.1, near Durrës, Albania are here described in time, space and magnitude by means of pvalue, Dc-value and b-value, respectively. We used ... -
An assessment on the recent seismicity in the north anatolian fault zone, Turkey
Öztürk, Serkan; Sari, M. (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE, 2016)A statistical assessment of recent seismicity in the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey, is made by using seismotectonic b-value and precursory seismic quiescence Z-value. The catalogue including 28,420 earthquakes between ... -
A comprehensive spatiotemporal evaluation of the current earthquake activity in different parts of the Frakull-Durres fault zone, Albania
Öztürk, Serkan; Ormeni, Rrapo (NST GEOLOGY & GEOGRAPHY, 2021)This study presents a detailed spatiotemporal analysis for the Frakull-Durrds (F-D) fault zone at the beginning of 2020. For this purpose, the most frequently used statistical seismicity parameters such as magnitude ... -
A comprehensive spatiotemporal evaluation of the current earthquake activity in different parts of the Frakull-Durrës fault zone, Albania
Öztürk, Serkan; Ormeni, Rrapo (Nature Research Centre, 2021)This study presents a detailed spatiotemporal analysis for the Frakull-Durrës (F-D) fault zone at the beginning of 2020. For this purpose, the most frequently used statistical seismicity parameters such as magnitude ... -
Correlations between seismic b-value and heat flow density in Vlora-Lushnja-Elbasani-Dibra Fault Zone in Elbasani area, central Albania
Ormeni, Rrapo; Hasimi, Albana; Öztürk, Serkan; Çomo, Ervin (Nature Research Centre, 2023)In this study, the correlations between the heat flow density and seismotectonic b-value in the El-basani area of Albania were investigated to understand the how low-velocity layers underneath the Elbasani area in central ... -
Corrigendum to Understanding university students WHO do not want to volunteer in disasters: A qualitative study from Türkiye [Int. J. Disaster Risk Reduc. 96 (2023) 103994] (International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2023) 96, (S2212420923004740), (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103994))
Demirbilek, Ömer; Öztürk, Serkan (Elsevier Ltd, 2023)The authors would like to add the below sentence in the Acknowledgment section. This study was produced from a doctoral thesis. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Ömer Demirbilek completed ... -
Depremselliğin Fraktal Boyutu ve Beklenen Güçlü Depremlerin Orta Vadede Bölgesel Olarak Tahmini Üzerine Bir Modelleme: Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi, Türkiye
Öztürk, Serkan (2015)Bu çalışma kapsamında, Doğu Anadolu bölgesi (Türkiye) için depremlerin oluş sürecindeki düzensizliklerinin bir ölçüsü olan fraktal boyut ile beklenen depremlerin orta vadede bölgesel olarak tahmini üzerine bir modelleme ... -
Earthquake hazard assessment for different regions in and around Turkey based on Gutenberg-Richter parameters by the Least Square Method
Bayrak, Y.; Öztürk, Serkan; Koravos, G.Ch.; Tsapanos, T.M. (Journal of Applied Functional Analysis, 2009)In this study, we made an assessment of earthquake hazard parameters for different 24 source regions in and around Turkey. We used the seismic source zones and the database defined by Bayrak et al. [12] and Bayrak et al. ... -
Estimating earthquake hazard parameters from instrumental data for different regions in and around Turkey
Bayrak, Y.; Öztürk, Serkan; Çınar, H.; Kalafat, D.; Tsapanos, T. M.; Koravos, G. Ch.; Leventakis, G-A. (Engineering Geology, 2009)We conducted a study of the spatial distributions of seismicity and earthquake hazard parameters for Turkey and the adjacent areas, applying the maximum likelihood method. The procedure allows for the use of either historical ... -
An evaluation of the earthquake potential with seismic and tectonic variables for the West Anatolian region of Türkiye
Öztürk, Serkan; Alkan, Hamdi (Nature Research Centre, 2024)In the present study, an evaluation of the region-time-magnitude behaviours of the earthquake occurrences in the West Anatolian Region (WAR), Türkiye, is carried out using the statistical and seis-motectonic parameters ... -
Gümüşhane ve Civarındaki Güncel Deprem Aktivitesinin Bölgesel ve Zamana Bağlı Değişimleri: İstatistiksel Bir Değerlendirme
Öztürk, Serkan (2017)Bu çalışmada, Gümüşhane ve civarındaki deprem aktivitesinin bölgesel ve zamana bağlı değişimlerinin istatistiksel bir analizi yapılmış ve güncel deprem karakteristikleri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler ... -
Investigation of the Relationship among Fault Types, Focal Depths, and Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Large Earthquakes between 2000 and 2020
Ulukavak, Mustafa; Yalcinkaya, Mualla; Kayikci, Emine Tanir; Öztürk, Serkan; Kandemir, Raif; Karslı, Hakan (ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS, 2022)In this study, the relationships between possible ionospheric total electron content (TEC) anomalies and earthquake focal depths and fault types were investigated using 3,099 global earthquakes with Mw >= 6.0 between 2000 ... -
Investigation of the Relationship among Fault Types, Focal Depths, and Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Large Earthquakes between 2000 and 2020
Ulukavak, Mustafa; Yalçlnkaya, Mualla; Kaylkçl, Emine Tanlr; Kandemir, Raif; Karsll, Hakan; Öztürk, Serkan (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2022)In this study, the relationships between possible ionospheric total electron content (TEC) anomalies and earthquake focal depths and fault types were investigated using 3,099 global earthquakes with Mw≥6.0 between 2000 and ... -
Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonu ve Civarındaki Güncel Deprem Aktivitesinin Bölgesel ve Zamana Bağlı Analizleri
Öztürk, Serkan (2017)Bu çalışmada, sismotektonik b-değeri, fraktal boyut Dc-değeri ve öncü sismik durgunluk Z-değeri ile bunlar arasındaki ilişkileri kullanarak, sismik olarak dünyadaki en aktif doğrultu atımlı fay sistemlerinden biri olan ... -
Lateral variations of the modal (a/b) values for the different regions of the World
Bayrak, Yusuf; Yılmaztürk, Ahmet; Öztürk, Serkan (Journal of Geodynamics, 2002)Several catalogues of global earthquakes reported for the time period from 1900 to 2000 have been compiled to examine lateral variations of the modal (a/b) values as derived from the Gutenberg–Richter empirical law. For ... -
Multiple parameter analysis for assessing and forecasting earthquake hazards in the Lake Van region, Turkey
Öztürk, Serkan; Alkan, Hamdi (Nature Research Centre, 2023)A detailed spatial-temporal analysis of the seismic activity in and around the Lake Van region was performed using several seismotectonic parameters such as b-value, Z-value, relative intensity (RI), pattern informatics ... -
Orta Anadolu Bölgesi ve Civarındaki Depremselliğin Bölge-Zaman-Magnitüd Analizleri ve Güncel Deprem Potansiyeli
Öztürk, Serkan (2019)Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin Orta Anadolu Bölgesi ve civarındaki deprem oluşumlarının detaylı istatistiksel analizlerini yapmak ve gelecekteki olası deprem bölgelerini tahmin etmektir. Bu kapsamda, Mc-değeri, b-değeri, ... -
Precursory seismic quiescence before 1 May 2003 Bingöl (Turkey) earthquake: A statistical evaluation
Öztürk, Serkan; Bayrak, Yusuf (Journal of Applied Functional Analysis, 2009)The variations of seismicity rate changes prior to the occurrence of 1 May 2003 Bingöl earthquake has been analyzed by statistical method, with the observation of pointing up precursory seismic sequence. We investigated ... -
Properties of Aftershock Sequence of the 2003 Bingöl, MD=6.4, (Turkey) Earthquake
Öztürk, Serkan; Çınar, Hakan; Bayrak Yusuf; Karslı, Hakan; Daniel, Guillaume R. (Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2008)Aftershock sequences of the magnitude MW ¼6.4 Bingo¨l earthquake of 1 May, 2003 (Turkey) are studied to analyze the spatial and temporal variability of seismicity parameters of the b value of the frequencymagnitude ...