Browsing by Author "Merdan, Mehmet"
Now showing items 21-40 of 58
Global stability of Susceptible Diabetes Complication (SDC) model in discrete time
Sisman, Seyma; Merdan, Mehmet (Yildiz Technical Univ, 2021)In this study, the mathematical model (DC) of diabetes disease is discussed. This model divides people into (D) uncomplicated and (C) complex diabetics two. In addition, diabetes is a disease known to be caused by genetic ... -
Homotopy Perturbation Elzaki Transform Method for Obtaining the Approximate Solutions of the Random Partial Differential Equations
Anaç, Halil; Merdan, Merdan; Kesemen, Tülay (Gazi University, 2022)The series solutions of the random nonlinear partial differential equations have been examined by a hybrid method. The random nonlinear partial differential equations are studied by both normal and uniform distributions. ... -
Homotopy perturbation method for solving a three-species food chain model
Merdan, Mehmet (2010)In this article, homotopy perturbation method is implemented to give approximate and analytical solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equa tion systems such as a three-species food chain model. The proposed scheme ... -
Investigation of Behavior on Solutions of Lane-Emden Complex Differential Equations by a Random Differential Transformation Method
Merdan, Mehmet; Merdan, Merve; Şahin, Ridvan (Hindawi Limited, 2023)In this study, Lane-Emden complex differential equations have been randomized by selecting random variables for the coefficients, initial conditions, and force functions of complex differential equations. In addition, by ... -
Investigation of linear difference equations with random effects
Merdan, Mehmet; Sisman, Seyma (Springer, 2020)In this study, random linear difference equations obtained by transforming the components of deterministic difference equations to random variables are investigated. Uniform, Bernoulli, binomial, negative binomial (or ... -
Investigation of the Behaviour of Volterra Integral Equations with Random Effects
Merdan, Mehmet; Altay, Özge; Bekiryazıcı, Zafer (2020)In this study, random Volterra integral equations obtained by transforming components of deterministic Volterra integral equations to random variables are analysed. Beta, Normal (Gaussian), Gamma, Geometric and Uniform ... -
Bekiryazici, Zafer; Kesemen, Tülay; Merdan, Mehmet; Khaniyev, Tahir A. (Isik University, 2023)In this study, we investigate a compartmental model of Zika Virus transmission under random effects. Random effects enable the analysis of random numerical characteristics of transmission, which cannot be modeled through ... -
Bekiryazici, Zafer; Kesemen, Tulay; Merdan, Mehmet; Khaniyev, Tahir (Serbian Society of Heat Transfer Engineers, 2022)In this study, a theoretical model of Zika virus transmission is investigated with random parameters. The parameters of a deterministic model are transformed to random variables to obtain a system of random differential ... -
Modification of the random differential transformation method and its applications to compartmental models
Bekiryazici, Zafer; Merdan, Mehmet; Kesemen, Tulay (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2021)In this study, a modification of the random differential transformation method is given by using Laplace-Pade method. The modification, which has previously been introduced for the deterministic differential transformation ... -
The modified algorithm for the differential transform method to solution of Genesio systems
Gokdogan, Ahmet; Merdan, Mehmet; Yildirim, Ahmet (Elsevier Science Bv, 2012)In this article, approximate analytical solution of chaotic Genesio system is acquired by the modified differential transform method (MDTM). The differential transform method (DTM) is mentioned in summary. MDTM can be ... -
A multistage differential transformation method for approximate solution of Hantavirus infection model
Gokdogan, Ahmet; Merdan, Mehmet; Yildirim, Ahmet (Elsevier Science Bv, 2012)The goal of this study is presented a reliable algorithm based on the standard differential transformation method (DTM), which is called the multi-stage differential transformation method (MsDTM) for solving Hantavirus ... -
A multistage variational iteration method for approximate-analytic solution of avian-human influenza epidemic model
Gokdogan, Ahmet; Merdan, Mehmet; Erturk, Vedat Suat (Academic Publication Council, 2012)In this paper, the approximate solution of avian-human influenza epidemic model is obtained by a reliable algorithm based on an adaptation of the standard variational iteration method (VIM), which is called the multi-stage ... -
A Multistage Variational Iteration Method for Solution of Delay Differential Equations
Gokdogan, Ahmet; Merdan, Mehmet; Erturk, Vedat Suat (Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2013)In this paper, the approximate solution of delay differential equations is obtained by a reliable algorithm based on an adaptation of the classical variational iteration method (VIM), which is called the multi-stage ... -
A new application of modified differential transformation method for modelling the pollution of a system of lakes
Merdan, Mehmet (2010)In this papers, a new application of modified differential transformation method (MDTM) is implemented to solve analytically systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations such as modelling the pollution of a system ... -
Merdan, Mehmet; Anac, Halil; Kesemen, Tulay (Yildiz Technical Univ, 2019)In this study, the solutions of the random component time-fractional Klein-Gordon equation is obtained as approximately or exactly. The initial condition of this Klein-Gordon equation is studied by Gamma distribution. The ... -
A numeric-analytic method for time-fractional Swift-Hohenberg (S-H) equation with modified Riemann-Liouville derivative
Merdan, Mehmet (Elsevier Science Inc, 2013)In this paper, the fractional variational iteration method (FVIM) was applied to obtain the approximate solutions of time-fractional Swift-Hohenberg (S-H) equation with modified Riemann-Liouville derivative. A new application ... -
Numerical Approximations to Solution of Biochemical Reaction Model
Yildirim, Ahmet; Gokdogan, Ahmet; Merdan, Mehmet (Berkeley Electronic Press, 2011)In this paper, approximate analytical solution of biochemical reaction model is used by the multi-step differential transform method (MsDTM) based on classical differential transformation method (DTM). Numerical results ... -
Numerical Simulation of Fractional Fornberg-Whitham Equation by Differential Transformation Method
Merdan, Mehmet; Gokdogan, Ahmet; Yildirim, Ahmet; Mohyud-Din, Syed Tauseef (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012)An approximate analytical solution of fractional Fornberg-Whitham equation was obtained with the help of the two-dimensional differential transformation method (DTM). It is indicated that the solutions obtained by the ... -
Numerical solution of the fractional-order Vallis systems using multi-step differential transformation method
Merdan, Mehmet (Elsevier Science Inc, 2013)In this paper, we examine a fractional order Vallis systems. We also fulfil a detailed analysis on the stability of equilibrium. Multi-step differential transform method (MsDTM) extends to give approximate and analytical ... -
Numerical solution of time-fraction modified equal width wave equation
Merdan, Mehmet; Yildirim, Ahmet; Gokdogan, Ahmet (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2012)Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to show how an application of fractional two dimensional differential transformation method (DTM) obtained approximate analytical solution of time-fraction modified equal width wave ...