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dc.contributor.authorGucer, Mehmet Ali
dc.contributor.authorAslan, Zafer
dc.description.abstractThe Yoncayolu Metamorphic Rocks (YMR), exposed in the Sakarya zone (Erzincan, NE Turkey), consists mainly of greenschist rocks which are chlorite schists, muscovite-chlorite schists, metabasic rocks and lesser extent of pyhllites and calc-schists. All YMR are fine-grained, weakly foliated and often cut by quartz veins. The common mineral assemblage is chlorite+albite+epidote+quartz+/-clinozoisite+/-actinolite+/-opaques. Geochemically, protoliths of the YMR resemble calc-alkaline volcanic arc rocks. The YMR have high contents of large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and low contents of high field strength elements (HFSEs) similar to mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). (La/Lu)(CN) values are between 0.26 and 6.16. The REE patterns show slight or no Eu anomalies (Eu-CN/Eu* of 0.48 to 1.13), suggesting minor plagioglase fractionation. Ar-40-Ar-39 dating on plagioclases from the metabasic samples of the YMR gave ages of 100.8+/-3.4 Ma (Albian) and 94.1+/-3.3 Ma (Cenomanian), suggesting that metamorphism was related to the closure of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. Metamorphism took place during subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean between similar to 90-70 Ma. Chlorite geothermometry yielded a temperature of 320-350 degrees C and a pressure around 4 kbar. All these findings lend support for greenschist facies metamorphic conditions during the formation of the YMR.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipKaradeniz Technical University Scientific Research Funden_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis article is derived from the MSc thesis of the first author. The study was financially supported by the Karadeniz Technical University Scientific Research Fund. The authors thank WOLFGANG SIEBEL, for general improvement of the manuscript and HEINZ-GUNTER STOSCH for his editorial input. Special thanks to MEHMET ARSLAN and ARAL OKAY for constructive criticism, OMER BOZKAYA and BEKTAS UZ for reviews. Thanks also go to LANG SHI for performing the microprobe analyses at McGill University, Canada. AARON STALLARD improved the English of the manuscript.en_US
dc.publisherE Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlungen_US
dc.relation.ispartofNeues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-Abhandlungenen_US
dc.subjectYoncayolu Metamorphic Rocksen_US
dc.subjectNE Turkeyen_US
dc.subjectAr-40-Ar-39 ageen_US
dc.subjectgreenschist faciesen_US
dc.subjectchlorite thermobarometryen_US
dc.titleAr-40-Ar-39 age, petrography and geochemistry of the Yoncayolu Metamorphic Rocks (NE Turkey): Subduction-related metamorphism under greenschist fades conditionsen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.departmentGümüşhane Üniversitesien_US
dc.authoridGucer, Mehmet Ali / 0000-0002-9075-3350
dc.authorwosidGucer, Mehmet Ali / I-3545-2012

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