Browsing by Author "Şahin, Bülent"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Diversity and ecology of benthic algae in Karagöl Lake, Karagöl–SaharaNational Park (Şavşat, Artvin, Turkey)
Akar, Bülent; Şahin, Bülent (2016)Benthic algal flora of Karagöl Lake, its seasonal variation, and the physical and chemical parameters of the water were studied between October 2008 and September 2010. The algal flora consisted of 112 taxa belonging ... -
Identification of Antioxidant Activity by Different Methods of a Freshwater Alga (Microspora sp.) Collected From a High Mountain Lake
Akar, Bülent; Akar, Zeynep; Şahin, Bülent (2019)Algae contain a large amount of biological active compounds functioning as antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-tumour. In the present research, antioxidant activity of freshwater alga Microspora sp. Chlorophyta extract ... -
Identification of Antioxidant Activity by Different Methods of a Freshwater Alga (Microspora sp.) Collected From a High Mountain Lake
Akar, Bülent; Akar, Zeynep; Şahin, Bülent (2019)Algae contain a large amount of biological active compounds functioning as antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-tumour. In the present research, antioxidant activity of freshwater alga Microspora sp. (Chlorophyta) extract ... -
New desmid records from high mountain lakes in Artabel Lakes Nature Park, Gümüşhane, Turkey
Şahin, Bülent; Akar, Bülent (2019)The algal flora of 17 lakes and 1 pond in the Artabel Lakes Nature Park were investigated during two summer seasons (2013 and 2016). In total, 26 desmid taxa were found and identified as new records for the desmid flora ... -
New Desmid Records of Karagöl Lake in Karagöl-Sahara National Park (Şavşat-Artvin/Turkey)
Akar, Bülent; Şahin, Bülent (2014)Karagöl’ün (Şavşat, Artvin) bentik alg florası Ekim 2008 ile Eylül 2010 tarihleri arasında incelenmiştir. Actinotaenium diplosporum var. americanum, Cosmarium pseudoexiguum, Gonatozygon kinahanii, Staurastrum boreale var. ... -
New records from Artabel Lakes Nature Park (Gümüşhane/Turkey) to the freshwater algal flora of Turkey
Şahin, Bülent; Akar, Bülent (2019)Six newly recorded taxa, Chlamydomonas pertusa Chodat, Coenochloris pyrenoidosa Korshikov, Coenocystis tapasteana Komárek, Katagnymene accurata Geitler, Phormidium stagninum Anagnostidis, and Scytonema coactile Montagne ... -
Nine new records from high mountain lakes (Artabel Lakes Nature Park, Gümüşhane/Turkey) for the freshwater diatom flora of Turkey
Şahin, Bülent; Akar, Bülent (2018)This study was carried out in 17 high mountain lakes and a pond in the Artabel Lakes Nature Park (Gümüşhane) on August 15, 2013 and August 13, 2016. In the present study, epipelic, epilitic and epiphytic algal flora of ...