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dc.contributor.authorAk, M.
dc.identifier.isbn9783631791547; 9783631782897
dc.description.abstractIntroduction The social memory that reproduces itself through daily life practices is based on the knowledge and experiences of individuals about the past. Although social memory is nurtured by individual memories, it is clear that not all individual memories can be found in social memory. Because the recollections of the past are historical events to explain today. In this regard, recalling the past is as important as how the past is remembered. There is a mutual relationship between social memory and individual memory. In this context, individual memory affects social memory and also individual memory is affected by social memory. The individual is nourished from the social memory through the process of socialization and grasps the meaning of the world of culture and values of the society in which s/he was born. The coming up of the events in the social memory in daily life affects the individual memory and is transferred to the future through individuals. This individual interaction with social memory allows individuals in everyday life to reconstruct social memory. In brief, it can be said that individuals rebuild social memory by bringing the events that took place in the social memory into the agenda in their daily lives. Daily life refers to an area in which social memory is both reproduced and transmitted. It can be said that cultural memory is a formation as a result of the transfer of a certain life style, custom, tradition and the behaviors which have been continued…. © Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin 2019.en_US
dc.publisherPeter Lang Publishing Groupen_US
dc.relation.ispartofStudies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences – Volume 3en_US
dc.titleSocial memory and cultural identityen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKitap Bölümü - Uluslararasıen_US

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